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It's official. Elena Kagan, winner of the Dick Morris look-a-like contest, has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. The face of the court remains 4 solid liberals, 4 solid conservatives and Anthony Kennedy. As things stand, these are the nine who will ultimately rule of same sex marriages and the Arizona immigration law. It would all come down to what kind of mood Kennedy is in on judgement day.
Is there any way that we can place Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Antony Scalia, John Roberts and Sam Alito under 24 hour protection for the next two years?
I'd like to see President Obama have the opportunity to replace two justices before the end of his second term: Anthony Kennedy, and Ruth Ginsburg.
I wouldn't mind losing Clarence Thomas, but he's both too young and too stubborn to retire. I don't think much of John Roberts, but he'll be around for decades, as will Alito. I want to keep Antonin Scalia around for a while - when he's good, he's very very good. We need him.
How about we wait until we have a new president before anybody else gets replaced? As a conservative, I believe a 5th liberal would devastate this country.
Scalia is the best. Thomas the most courageous.
Thomas is the most ignorant. I didn't fully realize that until I read his own autobiography. That's when he told me, in his own printed pages, that his real weakness at the confirmation hearings was that he wasn't well versed in the law and couldn't answer a lot of routine questions. That takes nothing from the authenticity of his childhood, but he's not competent to be a judge, at any level.
If you're worried about a "fifth liberal," you shouldn't be concerned about Obama replacing Ginsburg. As for Kennedy, he is pegged as the "swing vote" by pundits who make their living looking for patterns that don't really exist.
In any event, Supreme Court justice aren't allocated to president, a certain number per term, a certain number of "liberals," a certain number of "conservatives." I deeply regret that Rehnquist died on Bush's watch, but he did, and that's the way it goes.
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