Home schooling not allowed

"What's the problem? It only lasted one day."

(Racist Germanophobe in Paris)
"Hush! They are exercising their First Amendment rights. Besides, they are only peaceful Germans here looking for jobs Frenchmen won't do."

Local German family court in the occupied countries(only for the German community, of course)

Freedom of expression in action

Turn that man loose! Don't you know dress codes are unconstitutional?
So now Muslim immigrants are Nazis? You stay classy, Mr. Fouse!
Who said that? I didn't say that. I did not say one word about Muslims. It must be your filthy mind feverishly at work again.
You doth protest too much this time Gary.
Whoeth protesth?
Going by what those photos depict, the headline should have been
"We got right."
(I don't mean as a synonym for correct).
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