
Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Elitists Ridicule Common Folks

Several days ago, I posted a rant by MSNBC Keith Olbermann condemning those who are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque. This week, we witnessed two more attacks upon large segments of the American population by what I term media elitists, Dave Letterman, Brian Williams and Katie Couric.

Here is the text of Couric's Notebook comment this week.
"Among the protesters near Ground Zero this weekend - a woman held a sign that read "Unmask the Mosque." It had a cartoon sketch of President Obama on it - and the implied message needed no interpretation. In speaking out about an Islamic group's right to build a center there, the President had given another shred of evidence to a growing conspiracy theory that he is Muslim. He is not.

The Pew Research Center found 18 percent of Americans believe that...and a whopping 43 percent are not sure what religion he is. For the record he's Christian.

It might be Islamophobia, Obamaphobia, or both...but when loud speakers are blaring "Born in the USA" and signs say "No Clubhouse for Terrorists" it's clear we aren't just talking about a mosque anymore.

There is a debate to be had about the sensitivity of building this center so close to Ground Zero.

But we can not let fear and rage tear down the towers of our core American values."

"Unmask the mosque"? "No clubhouse for terrorists"? "Born in the USA"?

Give me a break! And just for the record, Katie, I do not believe Obama is a Muslim, OK?

As for Letterman and Williams, I would suggest they actually go out and ask tea partiers what it is they would take their country back from-as they wonder. I think they would get very well-thought out and articulate answers.

As for Couric, she throws out the old canard about the Ground Zero mosque opponents seemingly blind to the issue of freedom. Has she actually left the comfort of her CBS studio and gone to a protest? If so, has she ever heard anyone shout, "Muslims out of America!"? Or "Death to Muslims!"? Or "Death to Rauf!"? I seriously doubt it. Yet, she, perhaps, in more circumspect language than Olbermann, seems to think the people who oppose a mosque at Ground Zero would deny Muslims the right to build a mosque anywhere. That has never been part of the debate.

Of course, in their arrogant dismissals, these elitists ignore the concerns and arguments being made against the mosque. They ignore the questions about the intent of the mosque at that location. They ignore the statements made by Imam Rauf about America. They ignore the questions about the funding. They ignore the symbolism of the location in relation to 9-11. They ignore the feelings of many of the 9-11 family survivors who object.

What is important to point out is that in neither tea party rallies nor mosque protests have we seen unlawful activity or violence. No threats of violence. Just ordinary people doing what left-wingers have been doing since the 1960s, amking their voices heard-finally.

And they wonder why they are so unpopular among the people who have figured out the biased agenda of the mainstream news media.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I already said I despise liberals for lacking the spine to proclaim that the emperor had no clothes (Reagan and Bush both, not to mention the Eye of Newt).

I can now add, not that this is new, they give a cabal of self-righteous and well-connected zealots the opening to parade their wolfish selves in the sheep's clothing of "common folks." Letterman reminds me of the way I felt when Jane Fonda joined the anti-War movement... she did less harm as Barbarella.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Okay, I just watched the clip. I didn't see anything from Letterman or Williams that one could describe as "an attack". If anything, it was a thoughtful critique, and much of what they said was true. I've seen the "Government hands off my medicaid" signs too. Letterman asks a good question: how do they reconcile that with their opposition to national health care?

I think that you're just determined to be offended by anybody who does anything other than lavish praise on the Tea Party movement.

Gary Fouse said...

A thoughtful critique from Letterman? They are liberal elitists.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Oh, I totally forgot to put on my liberal elitist filtration glasses before watching it. I put them on then watched it again, and this time I heard them attack the Tea Party with intense vitriol. Thanks for setting me straight.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I recently heard about a man who firmly believed that government subsidies and services were destructive. He wanted no part of government programs in his life. He did a tremendous volume of research to support his beliefs. He did the research at a public library.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Siarlys, Jon Stewart did a bit where he dissected one of Glenn Beck's speeches where he was bemoaning government programs and services, and then he claimed to know what he knew by going to the public library.

And cue Gary saying that I get all my news from comedy shows in 3...2...1...