Omar Hammami-American-born member of Al-Shabaab-Indicted
(Hat tip to the Investigative Project on Terrorism)
With the terrorism indictments of Somali al-Shabaab members in the Minneapolis area, the FBI is praising the assistance of members of the local Somali community in providing information to authorities. That is certainly encouraging news. Below is linked a report on the case by Steve Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism.
While it is good news that the authorities are gaining help from the local Somali community, less encouraging is the report of the CAIR Minnesota chapter allegedly discouraging local Muslims from cooperating with the FBI. So I paid a visit to the CAIR Minnesota website to see what they had to say. Here is how the site looks as of today.
While I see no mention of the recent indictments, what I do see is a page dedicated to listing every case of discrimination, harassment and persecution that local Muslims are allegedly being subjected to. In fact, the page is devoted to listing all the rights that Muslims (like everyone else) have and should invoke. To read this page would lead one to believe that Muslims in Minnesota are a badly persecuted minority. If you read all these complaints, you would conclude that Muslims were getting out of the US as fast as possible to escape all the horrible persecution.
Which of course is not happening.
I would like to see CAIR in Minnesota address the big news coming out of Minneapolis this week and clarify the level of cooperation-or non-cooperation- with law enforcement that has been alleged.
Minnesota? Isn't that the ONLY state in the union which elected a practicing Muslim to the United States House of Representatives? I would like to see CAIR acknowledge that. I would also like to see that fact front and center in our efforts to communicate to the world's one billion plus Muslims. We have a district where a Christian majority, and a larger number of Jewish voters than Muslim voters, elected a Muslim to congress. Could a Christian or a Jew win such an election in YOUR country? Why not?
For the same reason no synagogue or mosque can be built in Saudi Arabia. For the same reason that minority religions are being persecuted in most Muslim countries. All this talk of tolerance goes in only one direction.
I didn't ask for YOUR answer Gary! You've been making your thinking quite clear for as long as this column existed.
I'm pointing out that this is precisely what we need to be publicizing to the Muslim world! Its our best publicity!
I don't care if anyone can build a synagogue in Mecca. I care that Muslims can build a mosque in the United States of America. That's something for us to be proud of.
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