Here is Rep. Lee weighing in on Viet Nam:

Yes, folks. Victory has been achieved. North and South Viet Nam-living side by side in peace.(Maybe she was meaning to say North and South Carolina.)
And who says Lee is not a rocket scientist? This is the same woman who, back in the 1990s, asked a NASA official if the Mars Pathfinder would be able to photograph the American flag left there by Neil Armstrong back in 1969!

Houston, we have a problem. (America, we have a problem.)
She is the prime reason why 1st cousins should NEVER be allowed to marry!
Those of us in the Houston area are always being subjected to Lee's remarks. The woman is a media hound. Unfortunately she will keep her position in congress but I try to look on the bright side. It is great comedy.
It's called a safe district. Just ask Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Barney Frank.
Rep. Lee does remind me a bit of George W. Bush in this video - not doing your homework on the facts of history, that sort of thing. Barbara Jordan did her homework. My representative in congress, also a woman, with a complexion similar to Lee's, and in a safe district, does her homework too. Vietnam WAS a civil war, and for that matter, one that the U.S. invented out of whole cloth, and Vietnam IS united today, but not by the victory of our troops. No government ever wasted the blood, valor, and commitment of American service men and women like our government did in Vietnam. We still owe them for their service, which I think Rep. Lee did recognize.
SJ Lee is no Barnara Jordan.
Can you share, precisely, which public statement by George Bush is comparable to piece of historical ignorance?
No matter how you may want recast what actually happened, the fact is that Communist North Vietnam attacked the South.
At this rate of ideological rewriting of history the Left will be saying the US attacked peaceful Vietnam to steal it's oil and it was Poland that attacked Germany
In 1939.
Ooops, that should have been "... comparable to THIS piece of historical ignorance."
It also should be "... steal its oil.." and not "it's oil"... Sorry.
Miggie, you are obviously too young to remember a thing about Vietnam, and haven't bothered to read any reliable information about it. I strongly suggest
A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and the American Experience in Vietnam
Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam.
For background, try Stilwell and the American Experience in China.
Short course: there was no such thing as "North Vietnam" and "South Vietnam," until the U.S. Department of State invented these fictitious entities. That well known leftist, Dwight David Eisenhower, estimated that had free elections been held as stipulated in the treaty that ended French colonial rule, Ho Chi Minh would have won 80% of the vote.
Now, here's the part that faddish leftists get wrong: No, the West did not invade Vietnam to steal its oil. Those who developed American policy in Vietnam were highly motivated idealists, who believed that they were selflessly serving the best interests of the people of Vietnam, defending freedom and democracy for all the peoples of the world. Really, they sincerely believed that. It had nothing to do with oil or with "American imperalism."
Unfortunately, they were wrong. They foisted an egoistical dictator and his nepotistic clan on an inoffensive people who just wanted to be left alone to cultivate their rice paddies. The last bunch of kleptomaniacs our troops bled for converted millions of our tax dollars into gold, hauled it into exile, and ran protection rackets in Orange County.
As for George W. Bush, I don't have time to write an encyclopedia, but here's an off-hand sampling:
Asking the president of Brazil "Oh, you have black people here too?" Condoleeza Rice, who must have been a glutton for punishment to work for such a man, had to tactfully intervene to observe that 55% of the Africans shipped across the Atlantic were taken to Brazil.
Also the famous comment "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'."
"Asking the president of Brazil "Oh, you have black people here too?" Condoleeza Rice, who must have been a glutton for punishment to work for such a man, had to tactfully intervene to observe that 55% of the Africans shipped across the Atlantic were taken to Brazil.
Also the famous comment "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'."
And to that we can add-
"Miggie, you are obviously too young to remember a thing about Vietnam, and haven't bothered to read any reliable information about it."
I'll let Miggie tell you how old he is, but let's just say he is older than both of us.
BTW: I have had Fire in the Lake on my bookshelf for over 20 years.
Vietnam has no oil! A small fact often overlooked by the loony left.
Anyone older than me is without excuse for such ignorance. And if you have Fire In the Lake on your bookshelf, perhaps that explains why you did not spring to the defense of Miggie's ahistorical musings about "the fact" of what happened in Vietnam.
Vietnam and China have in fact had some uncomradely tussles about a few islands equidistant from their coasts precisely because they are believed to sit over oil deposits. If the loony left isn't paying attention, perhaps BP is.
But Gary, you and I have no argument that Sheila Jackson Lee is NO Barbara Jordan. None whatsoever.
I read once, although I cannot offhand cite a source, that Lee had quipped "I'm a queen, and I expect to be treated like one." I make allowance for the fact that African Americans holding public office are sensitive about the respect due to their office, and there is some historical basis to be watchful, although that basis is fading rapidly. I am aware that quite conservative theologians in predominantly African American churches teach heavily from scriptures like "we are a royal priesthood... the head and not the tail," and there are reasons for that too.
HOWEVER, for an elected legislator in a republic to demand the prerogatives of royalty belies familiarity with a rather important event known as the American Revolution, not to mention Article I, Section 9, [8] of the Constitution of the United States, and some ignorance also of the French Revolution. I would NEVER treat a woman I love or respect like a queen, because when I think of how a queen should be treated, I think of Marie Antoinette. (After all Bastille Days IS one of our famous summer festivals in Milwaukee).
For that matter, when anyone voices the old lament, "Aren't there any movies with happy endings anymore?", as a good republican, I always suggest, "Sure, Nicholas and Alexandra."
I'm on vacation now and am not inclined to fight the Vietnamm War again. I did my part as a "military advisor" when we were denying there were such things. So I had a view from the trenches.
I don't recall when a Bright Shining Lie or Fire in the Lake became the Bible or the official history of the war. But those inclined to hate the US will write and believe what they will. All writing leaves out some factoids by necessity. By emphasing some and leaving out others, one can spin any scenario.
Choose the one you like best... America is an imperialist, evil empire seems to be your choice.
America is an imperialist, evil empire seems to be your choice.
Miggie, if that's your conclusion, then you didn't read a word that Siarlys wrote. The rest of your response completely dodges his actual points. But hey, it's easier to argue a caricature of an opponent than an actual opponent.
Oh, and I spent some time reading Mark Levin's book. I couldn't get through it because its entire foundation is based on two logical fallacies: the strawman and the false dilemma.
I haven't read Levin's book, but apparently a lot of people have no problem finishing it. It has done quite well.
And this proves what, exactly? Shall I name to you other authors whose books have done well?
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