Lynne Stewart
"Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to jail I go"
This falls under the caption, "but there is good news." Radical defense attorney Lynne Stewart, who represented the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (Mastermind of the plots to blow up New York) and who passed communiques from him to his terrorist pals, was sentenced yesterday to 10 years in prison in New York.
This was a devastating blow not only to the once in-your-face Stewart, who pleaded for a lesser sentence, but also to the radical set who celebrated her as a some sort of human rights champion as she showed absolutely zero remorse for her actions.
Since today is TGIF, I think I'll proceed to one of my favorite lemonade stands and hoist a cool one in celebration.

And she said a prison sentence would be an honor. I hope she is honored then.
I won't drink to this, I have a smidgeon of sympathy, but she asked for it.
First, she disregarded Lenin's warning "Beware of a pan-Islamic movement masquerading as a national liberation front."
Even if she wanted to be a revolutionary, the blind sheikh wasn't worthy of her sacrifice.
Second, she plainly violated the boundaries of an attorney's duty to their client, which does not extend to facilitating the client's criminal enterprise. Of course every Mafia attorney in America has crossed that line, and few are prosecuted in such a high-profile manner.
Happy with the way the U.S. Department of Justice is doing its job now Gary?
This woman was indicted and prosecuted under Bush. It was the judge who increased her sentence.
Yes, she clearly crossed the line into becoming a co-conspirator. Ten yrs wasn't enough.
Siarlys wants to credit this administration instead of the hated Bush DOJ. Don't let the facts get in the way.
I know perfectly well that the prosecution was initiated under Bush. I also know that the vast majority of work of most executive branch agencies is carried on regardless of who occupies the White House. Mostly though, I was getting in a dig at the fact that Eric Holder did NOT move to dismiss charges or modify the sentence, which is what a visitor from another planet might expect after reading what else Gary has posted about him.
I'll make a prediction too: Barack Hussein Obama will NOT sign off on a clemency petition for Lynne Stewart, not even on the last day of his second term in office.
Yes, executive branch agencies do their job. Unfortunately, they often find themselves under the direction of political appointees like Holder and their work is often compromised by administrations as apparently happened here.
Don't bet too much on that pardon. Remember Bill Clinton and that guy in DOJ who ramrodded the Rich, FALN, and Hasidic pardons through the DOJ for him...what was his name?
Oh yeah. Eric Holder.
OK, how much DO you want to bet? Can we arranged to settle the bet via PayPal, in seven years or so?
I don't bet. I have enough vices as it is.
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