
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

OC Jewish Leaders Congratulate Each Other

The below article has recently appeared in OC Jewish Life magazine:

This sort of reminds me of Oscar night when all the "beautiful people" are giving each other awards, congratulating each other, and making absurd statements about how great everybody else is.

Some of the people/organizations mentioned in the article are, indeed, worthy of praise. However, most of the organizations listed are the same people who for years deflected any criticism of UCI itself for what was going on and being said on their campus. These mostly are the same people who mocked, denigrated and got very angry about anybody from off-campus who wanted to speak out.

These mostly are the same people who objected to the large community turnout at UCI during May's Israel Apartheid week.

"The students don't want you here."

"There is no-anti-Semitism at UCI."

"You are making things worse."

"The university is doing a great job."

Of course, after the Oren event, everybody jumped on the bandwagen and "took a strong stance", so to speak after a decade of inaction. They had to. Their members and contributors were demanding answers. Of course, forgotten is the George Galloway event, whose "investigation" resulted in zip, zero, nada even though a collection for Gaza was conducted against university policy in the presence of university officials and campus police and can be seen on videotape.

Now, ever since the suspension of the Muslim Student Union was announced (still under appeal), some of these same Jewish leaders, who were part of the problem for years, are all rushing for the spotlight and the microphones.

It is rather unseemly in my view.

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