Hillary Clinton, our Ambassador of Bad Will, continues on her never-ending world tour as she fled from Pakistan to Afghanistan and now S Korea where she made the obligatory photo-op peering through binoculars across the DMZ and announced.......
new sanctions against N Korea.

"Clinton announced the new measures — targeting the sale or purchase of arms and related goods used to fund the communist regime's nuclear activities, and the acquisition of luxury items to reward its elite — after she and Gates toured the heavily fortified border in a symbolic trip four months after the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on the North."

"With specifics of the sanctions still being worked out, the more striking demonstration of U.S. resolve came when Clinton and Gates — in a first for America's top two cabinet members — together toured the demilitarized zone in the village of Panmunjom."

"With specifics yet to worked out...."
"The U.N. Security Council has imposed stiff sanctions on North Korea in recent years to punish the regime for defying the world body by testing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles, and illegally selling arms and weapons.

The council earlier this month approved a statement condemning the Cheonan incident, but did not directly blame Pyongyang. Still, the U.S. and South Korea are adamant that North Korea apologize for the incident or face punishment, and warned against further provocations."
From S Korea, Hillary will next go to Japan, where she will probably hit them with stiff new sanctions-then home-with a refueling stop in Hawaii, where she will reiterate America's pledge to defend the islands at all cost.

"Bad bye, everybody!"
Military experts predict resumption of hostilities within a year.
What will Obama do when that happens?
Scary thought. I have so many S Korean students. I pray for them.
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