Antwerp, Belgium
"Joden niet gewentsch"
(Jews not wanted)
Hap tip to Brussels Journal
This weekend, I posted an article describing the anti-Semitic situation in Amsterdam. In the below cross-post from the Brussels Journal, we learn that Dutch police are now posing as Jews to apprehend those who prey upon the Jewish community in Amsterdam. The article goes on to describe how Antwerp's(Belgium) old established Jewish community is now beginning to leave due to harassment and attacks, both verbal and physical that are occurring in that city at the hands of Muslim immigrants.
The below article from De Standaard (in Flemish) describes the dire situation in Antwerp.
According to the article, young Jews are leaving to do their studies in other places like London, New York and Israel-and they are not returning. New York is described as a "paradise", where non-Jews tend to be pro-Israel-unlike Belgium. According to one quote, "in 50 years, only ultra-orthodox Jews will be left in Antwerp".
It looks like I need to adjust the Findalis crazy scale again because that comment went up to 11.
I'm sorry, Findalis, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my own butt in order to see your point.
If European Jews are moving to Germany, it must because they feel they will be treated better than other European countries.
In the case of Erlangen, virtually all of the new jewish community is Russian.
Gary, your ability to dodge the point borders on the superhuman.
What point on this topic am I dodging? I am pointing out the situation of Jews in Europe. This posting concerns Amsterdam and Antwerp. What did I say that was wrong or inaccurate here?
Gary, reread Ingrid's comment, and then reread your response. If you can't see the point that you're dodging, then maybe the problem is that you have an inability to see a point.
And Findalis, did you even read the article that you linked? Holy crap, but you really live in your own little reality, don't you? The government sided with the Muslims? Where did you get that? Here's a direct quote, from YOUR article:
"Hanover Mayor Stephan Weil said his city had filed charges against the attackers. They stand accused of incitement to racial hatred and causing bodily harm."
Coo coo! Coo coo! Coo coo!
I think I have stated this before, but I will state it again. Fight your own battles with Findalis. Don't come crying to me and ask me to throw her under the bus.
If you have a disagreement with Findalis fight it out with her.
That wasn't what I was talking about, but never mind.
Very funny Lance. But with plenty of witnesses, they won't get a conviction. Says a lot more than a politician's rantings.
Explain this: In every European country Young Jews are leaving for the US, Canada, and Israel to study and work. They are pulling up their families and running as fast as they can out of Europe. The elderly can't afford to, but if things do not improve, look to their exit soon.
Why are so many runny Lance?
Why is the Jewish Community comparing Europe today to Germany 1933?
When you figure out those answers you might begin to understand what and why they fear. Teach that fear to your class some time. We have lived with it for 2,000 years.
I responded on this subject at great length after reading Gary's latest post at Alexandria, and I don't feel right just copying and pasting here.
What's going on in Europe, assuming all these posts Gary has been offering are accurate and representative, is on the level of Italians beating up Poles, Irish beating up Italians, Catholics beating up Jews, etc., on the streets of Chicago.
It is not on the level of the S.A. or the S.S. -- don't forget the S.S. were 2/3 of them point-headed intellectuals with Ph.D's, and they beat the S.A. to death, which momentarily the Jews of Germany appreciated...
There aren't many Christians left in Europe, but there are not enough Muslim immigrants to slaughter all the agnostics, who are still an overwhelming majority. Europe is not going to be taken over by Muslim immigrants, and all the Jews are not leaving Europe.
Ingrid, thanks for a moment of sanity.
Very funny Lance. But with plenty of witnesses, they won't get a conviction. Says a lot more than a politician's rantings.
Do you realize that most of your conclusions are based on things that you just made up? What makes you so certain that there won't be a conviction?
Don't you even feel slightly embarrassed by the fact that the article said the exact opposite of what you claimed it said?
Explain this: In every European country Young Jews are leaving for the US, Canada, and Israel to study and work. They are pulling up their families and running as fast as they can out of Europe. The elderly can't afford to, but if things do not improve, look to their exit soon.
Why are so many runny Lance?
I don't even know if this is even happening. I'm sure that there are some, but is it happening to the extent that you're claiming it is?
The thing is this: you make stuff up. Maybe this time you're right, but my rule of thumb is that if Findalis says it, it probably isn't true. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.
Why is the Jewish Community comparing Europe today to Germany 1933?
Are they?
When you figure out those answers you might begin to understand what and why they fear. Teach that fear to your class some time. We have lived with it for 2,000 years.
I can certainly understand why Jews would be cautious, even somewhat defensive regarding anti-Semitism. This, however, does not mean that you get to change the facts and make stuff up - which is what you just got caught doing.
I first visited Holland in 1970 and have been there 4-5 times in all. I have always been of the opinion that Holland is the most screwed up country in western Europe.
Ingrid has Jewish friends?
"Safer in Germany than in Israel"?
I cant imagine why her "influential friend" would say that other than the 10's of thousands of missiles being targeted at Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Gaza. (not to mention the friendly, homicide bombers.)
Findalis, I take it that you are not going to address the fact that what you claimed that article said was, in fact, the opposite of what it said? This is why you have zero credibility.
Why do you need to use decoy Jews?
Doesn't this go against your whole narrative about how the Europeans don't care about the anti-Semitism of the Muslim immigrants? Sounds to me like they're trying to do something about it!
Do you ever take the time to see if your opinions are even consistent with one another?
Findalis, that's an opinion article.
Findalis? Seriously, seek professional help. I neither said nor implied any of the things you just wrote, and frankly, I find it rather insulting.
My point is that you posted that article as though it was some sort of news article, when in fact it's an opinion article.
As for you making the asinine claim that my comments are somehow akin to me saying that all the violence perpetrated against Jews never happened, well, I'd write what I really feel, but I'm sure that Gary would never publish that comment. Let's just say that you can get it by rearranging the letters in "Sock Eulogy Ruff".
Seriously, you are not right in the head. It's not because you disagree with me, it's because you make things up and argue points that nobody's making.
Just for the record. I am in full agreement with that article Findalis supplied. It jives with my own information. As a matter of fact, I have written specifically about Malmo on about 3 occasions.
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