Here it comes. He's gonna bite his lip.
Bill Clinton
The Latest Scandal
So now the White House has come out with an explanation of the attempt to get Joe Sestak to drop out of the Pennsylvania Senate race against Arlen Specter. To me this looks like a carefully crafted ("no controlling legal authority") excuse. And guess who the guy was that approached Sestak. Why none other than Mr Corruption himself, Bill Clinton (at the behest of none other than Rahm Emanuel).
This story still stinks to high heaven and it doesn't jive. The Washington Post has the story below with a link to the White House white paper.
First of all, according to the White House, the only thing offered to Sestak was some sort of UNPAID job on some sort of advisory council. Of course, that would hopefully alleviate charges of something of value being offered in exchange for dropping out of the race. On its face, it appears absurd. What kind of offer is that? In exchange for dropping out of the Senate race, Sestak would have been able to remain in the House and perform some "alternate service" as an unpaid member of an advisory council.

"That's a big f-----' deal!"
The ball is now in Mr Sestak's court. Is that the full truth and nothing but the truth? Is it true that the Secretary of the Navy job was not offered? Please raise your right hand, Mr Sestak.
Please raise your right hand, Mr Clinton (Oh never mind. What difference would that make?)
What about you, Mr Emanuel?
This in no way removes the need for a special prosecutor who will drag all these people before a grand jury-including the President-now that that precedent has been established by Mr Clinton.
What goes around goes around again, it seems.
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