Hat tip to Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism and Haaretz
As previously reported, anti-Jew rhetoric is increasing in Canada as a result of the Middle East conflict. Now it's Montreal.
Jews make good targets? How does one even recognize a Jew on site? Why doesn't someone put a few likely architectural targets under surveillance, prosecute the perpetrators for malicious vandalism, and that sort of thing? The way to treat hate crimes is to prosecute them for their crimes, not to make them out to be something special.
I also have a legal problem with hate crimes because motive is an element of proof not the crime itself-and because they seem to be prosecuted based on who the victim is and who the perp is.
The problem of recognizing a Jew has substance because today in Europe (larger cities) Jews are afraid to wear distinctive clothing for fear of being attacked.
I suggest a squad of muscular young men in Hassidic garb, armed with licensed and registered firearms, under their long black coats, with a group of similarly armed sympathetic gentiles about half a block behind them. Or maybe just baseball bats, which are legal to carry. That should discourage such shenanigans.
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