Didn't I tell you that the mad-hatters at MSNBC would be crying in their beer that the Times Square bomber didn't turn out to be an angry tea-partier? Get a load of MSNBC anchor/brain surgeon Contessa Brewer.
BREWER: "I mean like the thing is is that and I get like frustrated and there was part of me that was like hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because like there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who like believe in a certain way or like come from certain countries or like whose skin color is a certain way. I mean like they use it as justification for like really outdated bigotry.
And so there was part of me was really like hoping this would not be like the case that here would be like somebody who is not the defined. I mean like he’s accused he’s like arrested you know like I don’t want to like convict him before it’s time to do so. He’s the guy authorities say is like involved. But that being said I mean like we know even in recent history you have like the Hutaree militia from Michigan who like have plans to let’s face it create terror. That’s what they were like planning to do and like they were doing so from far different backgrounds then what this guy is like coming from. So, the threat is like not just coming from people who like decide that America is the place to be and like you know come here and like want to become citizens. Obviously this guy did." (All the "likes" added by me.)

Hey Contessa! How about your own bigotry towards conservatives and/or tea-partiers?
MSNBC Brain Surgeon News.
I was going to observe, from reading the posted transcript, that this woman should be fired for the number of times she uses "like" in her sentences. However, listening to the video, she did not in fact use "like" where the text indicated she did, so someone has been through the transcript deliberately editing in content to make her look stupid.
Other than that, who really cares what she personally hoped, and why is valuable TV time being devoted to her ranting about it? I want some information in reporting, not to know the reporter's or anchor's current angst or state of mind.
I added the likes as a spoof because for a news anchor, her diction is not the greatest, but I will add a disclaimer about the likes in case somebody else fails to see through my humor.
If you have to doctor it, maybe its not as bad as you thought. Or, maybe it didn't need any doctoring.
Actually, the main point was not her level of articulateness (is that a word?) but her bias.
I know, I got that. No matter WHAT her bias is, her opinion isn't news, and we need a lot less of that on TV. But if her bias is the point, your humorous doctoring backfired. Better luck next time.
I listened to the tape, and the only conclusion I can draw is that without a teleprompter in front of her, the woman is about as articulate asa flushing toilet.
But I'll try harder next time.
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