
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And Back to UC San Diego

Hat tip to Frontpage Magazine and Reut R

I have been writing a lot about the racial controversies at the University of California at San Diego lately. Here's another one that may not get as much attention-but it should.

Last night, David Horowitz spoke at UC San Diego and was confronted by a student from the campus Muslim Student Association. Here is the video:

So my question is:

Will the UCSD campus be turned upside down as it has been over the recent controversies over the Compton Cookout, the noose found in the library and the KKK hood? Will there be student demonstrations in support of UCSD's Jewish students? What will be the reaction of the UCSD chancellor?

What say you to this, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox?

Ditto to you, UC President Mark Yudof.


Anonymous said...

She is a confused lady. What is really disturbing is that she looks like she thinks she is morally righteous and acts as if others just don't understand but she knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

Someone will come out praise her for not acting out with violence like the thugs did when they attacked Lars Vilks this week at a university in Sweeden.

C'mon we all know that this is a reasonable response to seeing cartoons you disagree with.

Findalis said...

Is this the opinion of the majority of Muslimms? If it isn't why haven't they condemned such speech?

The silence of the Muslim community speaks volumes.

Gary Fouse said...

We shall see what cair says about it.....

Also the reaction from the university.......

Anonymous said...

Discussion on a mixed martial arts message board I read on this clip.

The Digital Ruler wins Best response:

"How dare you insinuate that my organization is any way associated with terrorism!"

"Do you support the notion of rounding the Jews up into Israel and exterminating them?"



Siarlys Jenkins said...

I would be happy to confront David Horowitz over all kinds of distortions in his life and writings, and it has nothing to do with either Judaism or Islam. This empty cretin wants us all to support him in the style he'd like to become accustomed to in exchange for his repeating endless drivel which boils down to "I was a fool, a juvenile idiot, pay me to tell you all about it."

I wouldn't be violent of course. Violence is for people who are an imminent threat to life and limb. He's not a threat. Just a fool.