
Thursday, April 15, 2010

UC Berkeley Divestment Veto Upheld?

It appears that the Israel Divestment bill at UC Berkeley has failed and the veto of the ASUC President Will Smelko was upheld in a late-night vote.

The above Daily Californian article says that no vote had been held as of 10pm last night. However, the comments section, which is on line, indicates that the veto was upheld.

Of course, Smelko is already being called a "racist" by disppointed divestment supporters.

If true, this is bad news for notable divestment supporters like feminist Naomi Klein, Desmond Tutu and my favorite academic idiot Noam Chomski.

Update: Final vote 12-7 to sustain Smelko's veto at 5:37 am.


Anonymous said...

I love how a guy who's written books about language calls Chomsky (probably the most renowned linguistic scholar of our time) an idiot and then also misspells his name in the process. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Wait, how did this happen? I thought UC Berkeley (and the rest of the UCs for that matter) was completely controlled by far-left radicals?!? This conservative delusion I've been living in is crumbling around me!

Gary Fouse said...


Yes, indeed! I did misspell Chomsky's name. I did not, however, get it wrong in my evaluation of him.

When I was studying linguistics, I had to read a lot of Chomsky's books (Universal Grammar and all that). I have previously conceded that Chomsky may be the most preeminent linguist in the country, but in his view of the world he is an idiot. I satnd by that.

That you for pointing out my misspeling and hopefully, you clicked a few ads during your visit.

Gary Fouse said...


Probably because they were inun- dated with pleas on both sides of the issue. Maybe they decided that people like Judea Pearl were worthy of more respect than Noam Chomsky or Naomi Klein. Who knows?