Handsome Henry
California Democrat Handsome Henry Waxman is a busy man-with a million ideas swimming around in that bald head of his-all bad. Now he is calling on Major League Baseball to ban chewing tobacco.

It is also reported that some geniuses at Harvard University did a study that showed that chewing tobacco companies got over 6 million dollars of free ads at last year's World Series. (Can't have that. That's capitalism!)
That's right. If Handsome Henry has his way, no longer will players be allowed to chew tobacco. Who knows what's next? Maybe Waxman will call for a ban on players scratching themselves in center field.

I recommend that Henry take up chewing tobacco himself. He might even look better with a big chaw in one side of his face.
If you get a chance, you should watch the movie Bigger Stronger Faster. Waxman comes off very poorly.
- Jeff Klives
You mean I would have to watch his face for two hours?
No. He has only a small part. They ask him a few questions on performance enhancing drugs and he looks clueless.
The overall movie - though entertaining - misses a key issue in PEDs in sports - that PEDs corrupt the essence of sports - that is sports are supposed to be a test of what a human can achieve. If everyone is on PEDs, how different is that than watching a bunch of robots on the field? We should then applaud the manufacters of the drugs and/or robots, not really the athletes.
- Jeff
I did a little poking around and found this
- Jeff
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