"Yeah, we're all doin' a great job, ain't we, boys?"
Wednesday, four Orange County Jewish leaders met in Oakland with University of California President Mark Yudoff in regards to recent events at UC-Irvine. The below article is from the OC Jewish Experience. (Hat tip to Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism.)
Elcott: ”Jewish Federation Orange County is working intensely with multiple channels of leadership on a local, national and international level who have a stake in the current challenges at UC Irvine. We want to be sure the ongoing process proceeds quickly so that justice will be served.”

Blah, blah, blah, woof, woof, woof, quack, quack, quack (and please fire Gary Fouse, Mr Yudoff.)
Elcott and his do-nothing Jewish Federation in Orange County have been denying the problem for years at UCI and giving cover to the university's inaction. Now he is front and center in the spotlight since the February 8th incident with the Israeli ambassador that left egg all over his (Elcott's) face. So now he and his pals trapse up to Oakland to have a photo-op with UC President Mark Yudoff, who for the umptienth time, expresses "outrage" at what the Muslim Student Union is doing at UCI.
"They should be this-they should be that" (pending a full investigation, of course)-even though everybody in the administration who needs to investigate the February
8th incident was there and saw it with their own eyes.
Isn't he the President of the University?
Silly me. I am so behind the times. As the protesting students have been chanting...
"Whose university? Our university!"
Don't take my word for it.
I think they are right.
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