Next stop, Buenos Aires
Well, our gal Hillary is back in the news as America's number one diplomat. This time, she has managed to piss off the Brits, who heretofore had been our greatest allies-at least until Anjem Choudary becomes prime minister. Monday, Hillary was in Buenos Aires eating baby bifes and sipping Mendoza wine with Argentine President Cristina Kirchner. The topic of the Falklands came up -whoops, sorry-the Malvinas. Hillary opined that she thought that the UK and Argentina should enter into negotiations over the islands at the UN.

Excuse me, but the Brits and Argentines had negotiations over the Falklands/Malvinas in 1982. They fought a war in which the Brits-at the cost of British 255 lives drove the occupying Argentines off the islands, which are inhabited by British folks who have no desire to be Argentines. So that's that. The islands are now called the Falklands, and Britain is not interested in negotiating anything. The reaction in London is anger.
So score another diplomatic coup for The Diplomatic One-last seen in the Congo berating a Congolese student for asking what Bill thought about something.
God only knows what her next act will be as Secretary of State; maybe she can throw a lamp at the Emperor of Japan.
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