"Should we sacrifice, steal second, hit&run or go for the home run?"
"Wait a few minutes. They're polling the fans."
You have to hand it to President Obama; he really knows how to look at all sides of an issue-forever. Take the current example of what to do with Khaled Sheikh Mohammed and the other top terrorists.
Several months after taking office, he decides that they will be brought to New York and tried in federal court. While presumably he was dickering about whether that should be the Southern District of New York or the Eastern District of New York, there was a public uproar. The Republicans were outraged; most of the American people were outraged; New Yorkers were outraged; dogs were growling and babies were crying. Even Democrats were pissed off.
Then because of all the outrage, Obama floats his next trial balloon. Maybe they will be tried in another US city. Who knows, maybe Philadelphia, or Charlotte or Kansas City or Bullsnuts, Mississippi.
Well, that trial balloon went over like ....for lack of a better word, a lead balloon. So now, after digesting all those public opinion polls, Obama now announces that maybe KSM et. al. will go back to a military court after all.
You call this leadership? And this is the same guy that complained to a crowd a few weeks ago that if he were worried about public opinion polls, he "could have done the safe things" instead of tackling those tough problems.
I hope the President makes a final decision before KSM dies of natural causes.
I agree with you here. Bush did all sorts of unpopular things, and he didn't give a hoot what people thought about it. Obama should do the same thing. (I realize your conclusion is different from mine, but I agree with the basic thesis.)
Thank you. You may have a beer now.
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