"Let me call you sweetheart...I'm in love with youuuuu"

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful ah..."
Yes, folks, that trashy tabloid, the National Enquirer, has come out with another "expose" about John Edwards. This time, the Enquirer is claiming that Edwards has asked his mistress, Rielle Hunter, to marry him once his divorce from Elizabeth is final. Yeah right!
Now that Elizabeth has separated from John, he won't have to wait until she dies before marrying the mother of his child. In fact, the Enquirer claims that Johnnie Boy has already purchased a 3.5 million dollar home for the couple (and baby makes three).
What a hoot!
No wonder respected newspapers like the New York Times won't run a wild story like this. (All the news that's fit to print as they say.)
I mean, when will the Enquirer leave Edwards alone? They've been beating this implausible story to death for years now. No other news organization (except for that far-right, tea-baggin', Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, of course) will touch this melodrama.
Next thing you know the Enquirer will have their reporters following Edwards around in a futile attempt to catch him and Rielle together.

"Let me call you sweetheart...I'm in love with youuuuu..."
I mean, who you gonna believe, the National Enquirer or John Edwards?
This is nothing more than character assassination upon a man who, had he been elected president (or vice-president), would have saved the nation and the world. Just ask Bunny Mellon. (Fortunately, President Obama has stepped in and is saving the nation and the world.)
Let us all "move on", as they say. Allow John and Rielle to put this all behind them as John prepares to run again for president in 2016 with Rielle as his first lady.
"Let me call you sweetheart...I'm in love with youuuuu....."

Gary, you are becoming the National Enquire, yes??
Who cares about the personal life of Edwards? Do you know his wife so well? Yes, she has a serious illness, but you don't know how she was as a WIFE. You are old enough to know better.
As far as leadership qualities are concerned, we had plenty of presidents through history who had mistresses, lied about their personal affairs and were still capable leaders. I am not justifying, I just know better.
No woman wanted Nixon, and Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan didn't give their husbands a chance to stray, the first because she stuck like glue to him (or advised him about the stars), the other knew he was too stupid, he would have told.
Because you always like to bring up the Nazis, Hitler was faithful to his Eva Braun. See were that got us.
C'mon, lighten up! Didn't you even like the picture?
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