
Monday, February 22, 2010

Gloria Allred Introduces Her New "Client"

(Artwork by Fousesquawk. Send for a free brochure.)

Famed Los Angeles attorney to women who don't need attorneys Gloria Allred held another press conference today to introduce yet another "client" who had a romantic relationship with Tiger Woods.

Adult film star, Daisy Duck, says she was involved in a two-year affair with Woods. Ms Duck, who has starred in such adult films as "Daisy Does Des Moines", said that Woods forced to her to give up her profession and leave her own husband, Donald, because he said he wanted her all to himself. Ms Duck says that Woods lied to her, cheated on her with other women, and she wants him to apologize to her publicly.

There was no comment from Mr. Duck.

Update: Monday night on Hannity:

Hannity: You represent how many women (Tiger Woods' girlfriends)?"

Allred: "No comment."


Ted said...

You've gone to far this time Mr. Fouse. First besmirching the good name of Alfred E. Newman, now Daisey Duck? Have you no decency sir?

Findalis said...


Gary Fouse said...

What does that mean?

Gary Fouse said...

