This just in. Suzanne Malveaux, "filling in" for the hapless Wolf Blitzer in the "Situation Room" on CNN, said this....
"And later, we will take you to the home town in Nigeria of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as we search for a possible motive."
Give that lady the Mr Magoo award.

"Motive? I don't see any motive."
Here's a hint, Suzanne. Maybe he wanted to make a statement about Global Warming. Maybe he was angry because the big summit in Copenhagen collapsed.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
I thought Rick Sanchez had it when watching the staged protest the Iranian government well staged, he said: "I wonder if that was staged by them?"
I missed that classic! I only watch those boobs when I'm on the treadmill so time is limited.
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