Hizb ut-Tahrir poster for a conference in Malaysia earlier this year
“Hizb ut-Tahrir preaches an ideology that calls for the destruction of the principles that America is founded on.”
-Dr Zuhdi Jasser, Chairman, American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Act for America has sent me a notice that the Muslim extremist organization, Hizb ut Tahrir, was scheduled to hold another conference (the last one was in July) in Illinois on December 20. There is also a reference to Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian who is faced with prosecution because he has spoken out against radical Islam. Here is the text:
The Brazen Double Standard
Dear Gary,
"Today we have juxtaposed two short articles to clearly illustrate the brazen double standard that exists with respect to free speech and Islam.
The first is about Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamist supremacist organization that is allowed to hold conferences in America—the latest in a government building—because our government has not deemed fit to classify the organization as a terrorist organization. (Other nations have done so).
The second is about the upcoming trial of Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, who is being prosecuted for speech that “offends” Muslims.
The backdrop for this trial is the UN’s approval, just last Friday, of a resolution urging governments to criminalize speech that defames religion.
Given that the 57 member Organization of the Islamic Conference has been working feverishly to get such a resolution passed by the General Assembly, it’s not hard to guess what kind of speech they want banned.
Isn’t it amazing? An imam in America can call for “uzi jihad” against this country; Hizb ut-Tahrir can call for the victory of Islam over all other religions; the Qur’an can defame Jews by calling them apes and pigs…
…but don’t dare point out these facts, or else you might be guilty of “defaming” Islam!
In the forefront of this free speech double-standard in America is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). For years CAIR has tarred critics of radical Islam as “Islamophobes,” “bigots,” and the like—simply for pointing out the truth about radical Islam.
Now CAIR is in hot water, thanks to information entered into the record at the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial and new revelations contained in the book Muslim Mafia.
There are now over 37,000 signatures on our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR. If you haven’t yet signed on, please click here to do so today! Thank you."
(I have already signed the petition.)
Attached to the notice is this link from Real Courage.org, which contains the text of one of the handouts given out by Hizb ut Tahrir. It is entitled, "Islamic Reformation" and is written by Adnan Khan. Among other things, the handout gives an intellectual defense of the death penaly for Muslim apostates. Click "brochures" (pp 61-62).
I will follow up on what transpired on December 20.
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