
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The White House Ministry of Propaganda

"For even more Fox lies, check out the latest "Truth-O-Meter" feature from Politifact that debunks a false claim about a White House staffer that continues to be repeated by Glenn Beck and others on the network."

This is a direct quote cut and pasted from the White House Reality Check page. (Politifact is a feature of the St Petersburg Times, one of the most leftist newspapers in the country.)

But don't take my word for it; let's go directly to the White House
web site. Just go to....

.....and join in the fun. (You might as well-you're paying for it.)

When you get to the main page, ignore all those grand pictures and articles telling you what a great job the President and his dedicated staff are doing for America. Type in "Glenn Beck" in the search box. Then sit back and enjoy. Close your eyes and it's MSNBC. You can almost hear the voice of Keith Olbermann.

Seriously, is this a responsible use of tax-payer money? This stuff would make Pravda blush. Here we have an administration staff of worker bees busy in the White House boiler room pumping out propaganda against a major news network and a talk show commentator-using tax-payer money. Well, as Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director said, they plan to fight back.

Nixon would be proud.

"That's right!"


Lance Christian Johnson said...

How about defending all of the claims that Fox makes? Oh, that's right - you can't. Therefore, attack the source! Darned liberal bias of reality!

Gary Fouse said...


What exactly does "darned liberal bias of reality" mean?

Lance Christian Johnson said...

I'm implying that it's only a matter of time until conservatives will accuse reality of having a liberal bias.

Here's a completely over-simplified version of how I see the discourse in this country:

Conservative: Hey, this and that happened.

Liberal: Actually, it didn't. Look at the facts, and you'll see that's wrong.

Conservative: You're biased!

Anonymous said...

Here's a great dissecting of Fox News' "fairness and balance."

Why do I bother though? I know you won't watch it.