
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hate Site? Here's a Real Hate Site

Joe the cabbie

"Please throw liquid drain cleaner in their faces,"..... "burn their flammable sukkos while they sleep … Ya Allah (Oh God) answer my duaa (prayer)."

(Care to comment, CAIR?)

We hear a lot about hate speech these days, especially "hate sites" on the Internet. Usually, the stories you read about involve victims from the so-called "protected classes." Here is a hate site on the Internet you may not have heard about.,2933,565365,00.html

Right here in the USA, folks. And there is nothing that can be done about it. Free speech, you know. According to Youseff al-Khattab, the hateful words he writes about killing Jews are a prayer-not a call to action.

Khattab, who runs a pedicab service in New York City and lives in Queens, was a Jew, born Joseph Cohen, but converted. So now he writes posts mocking the beheading of Daniel Pearl-all in the name of free speech.

What if another website recited a prayer that called for the killing of Muslims? Would there be protests from CAIR and the ACLU? Of course there would be-and they would be justified. With this one, however, we will get the stiff admonishment that this is protected free speech and not hear another word. (This came from that old "renegade" news agency, Fox News.)

What I would like to see would be a statement from CAIR that condemns this website and calls upon the proprietor to take down the offensive lines. (I just checked CAIR's website. Not a mention.)


Storm'n Norm'n said...

Check this out:

Channel 7 deleted the first video after I posted and commented on it.

In their 2nd video (if it's still there) they changed the language to "apparent hate"

The 1st video was rampant with calls of 'hate' ...almost every other word...including a large overlay hate wording.

back to your site...

Yeah, I wonder how safe it is to ride with this cabbie?

...and isn't that a strange switch; from Jew to Muslim? weird!

PatriotUSA said...

From Jew to Muslim, Christian to Muslim is very weird and quite sad. I am pretty familiar with this nasty vermin as I have read about and done a bit of research on him. CAIR or any other Muslim organization of note repudiating this hate speech would be a very refreshing change but I will not be holding my breath.

Apparently this is acceptable 'hate speech' as it
goes after Jews which is quite rampant and I hate to say this, popular right now. I call this
bum the worst example of a self hating Jew,
way beyond JINO. Being Jewsih myself I find this very difficult to deal with and really have to check myself for not going off
the cliff against him.
Exposing such hatred for
what it is the best thing that
one can do to combat such hatred.