Adam Gadahn
In the past few days, American al-Qaeda member and spokesman Adam Gadahn has issued another “communique“, this one in Arabic explaining his Jewish roots. He describes his Jewish-American grandfather, whom he characterizes as a Zionist, and who tried to influence him in that direction even encouraging him to visit Israel. He also talks about a book written by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which was given to him by his grandfather.
He then goes on to speak of the “crimes” committed by Israel and America as is his wont. They need not be repeated here for the umpteenth time.
Having written previously on why Gadahn has turned against his country to the point of becoming a traitor, I also find it interesting as to why he has joined a long list of persons of Jewish ancestry who have turned against their Jewish identity. (Gadahn was actually raised by his parents in a Christian environment.) Many Jewish people with whom I have spoken, refer to this type of (Jewish) person as a “self-hating” Jew. I have heard the term applied to anti-Israel activists such as Norman Finklestein, Anna Baltzer and others. Not being Jewish myself, that is a judgment I choose to leave to others.
I don’t know whether Gadahn has a stronger hatred for his Jewish/Christian ancestry or his American nationality. Suffice to say, he has thrown in his lot with a force that wants to destroy all three. Eventually, I am certain that Gadahn will be held to answer for his treason. The reasons why he took the road he has chosen might be reserved for the psychiatrist’s couch. What Gadahn has overlooked about his country is its unique structural ability to right wrongs from within the system. The American Civil Rights Movement is the classic example. Yet, this misguided young man prefers to destroy our country and its system and replace it with Shariah law, which would take away all our freedoms in the name of religion. He has also overlooked the fact that contrary to some Muslim countries, America-and Israel guarantee freedom of religion. Even in the wake of 9-11, America has gone to great lengths to ensure the rights of Muslims under the Constitution and their freedom to follow their religion. Of course, that is a freedom that Gadahn and his cohorts would obviously deny to non-Muslims. That is why they must be defeated.
I know many of my friends and colleagues are hoping that someday we succeed in dropping a bomb on Gadahn’s head. I do not. I prefer to see the day when he is captured alive and brought back to the US to answer for his treason. I want to see him subjected to the whole battery of tests and interviews to see what really makes this guy tick. Let him have his rant in an open courtroom, and let him see first-hand how a true system of justice works. Who knows? He may even come to appreciate the Judeo-Christian heritage of this country.
I won't deny that there are Jewish people out there who genuinely are self-hating. Surely there are. But to immediately apply that label to any Jewish person who criticizes Israel is simply ridiculous. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I have to agree with everything done in the name of Christianity. Just because I am (half) Mexican doesn't mean I have to approve of everything that those of Mexican heritage do. The same applies to Jewish people.
As for Gadahn, I'd like to see him brought to court as well. Unfortunately, if he were actually captured, we'd probably designate him an "enemy combatant", ship him off to Guantanamo, and leave him in some sort of legal limbo where he'd be in neither the civilian or military U.S. justice system. Ain't the "war on terror" just grand?
I think I made it clear that I don't use that term myself. I don't feel qualified to throw it around.
As for Gadahn, since he is an American and the charge of treason would seem to fit, I would prefer to see this one (an exception) in a Federal court. I think he is facing a much harsher fate than mere enemy combatents at Gitmo.
As for the "War on Terror"-which Obama has dropped- no it ain't grand, but we didn't start it. WW2 wasn't exactly grand, but we didn't start that either.
I feel like there's a pretty big difference between trying to fight an abstract concept (the "war on terror") and countries officially declaring war upon each other (WWII). It's not a valid comparison, really.
That is because what we see today is something new and unique. The terrorists represent no country-though they are supported by nations like Iran and Syria. They wear no uniforms and they also target innocent civilians. So a war on terror is somewhat abstract like the war on drugs-but it must be fought nonetheless,
Jews, like every other group of human beings, have their fringe elements and nuts and kooks. Adam Gadahn is certainly one of them. UCI's Mark LeVine is another one. I don't know what goes into the development of such haters that they attack their own people so and it would be good to learn about it if he were ever captured and interrogated. The important thing is how the rest of the people react to the actions of these odd balls.
The Pro-Choice organizations, for example, promptly and unequivocally denounced Dr. Tiller's murderer. All of Israel, promptly and unequivocally denounced the American Jew who shot up a Mosque years ago. On the other hand, I don't see any Muslim organizations denouncing the Muslim who murdered the US military recruiter.
I have a few responses:
As for UCI's Mark LeVine, you may be surprised to learn that I don't know him and have only heard him speak a couple of times. Aside from the fact that he is a Palestinian advocate, I will refrain from comparing him in any way to Adam Gadahn. That is not a fair comparison.
I think you meant to say that the pro-life organizations denounced Tiller's murderer, didn't you?
As for Muslim organizations denouncing the Arkansas killing I have noted one on this blog-The Islamic Society of North America. I noted it because they referred to it as an "anti-war killing" and failed to mention the religious aspect of the killing and that it was committed by a Muslim convert.
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