Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
"Surely, those who believe, and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, whoever have faith with true hearts in Allah and in the Last-day and do good deeds, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall be no fear for them nor any grief." Qur'an 2:62
Taken from the website of the Center of Islamic Pluralism
I have just added a link on this website to the Center for Islamic Pluralism (CIP), which is located in Washington DC and is headed by Stephen Suleyman Schwartz. This is a Muslim organization which has spoken out publicly against the Wahhabi form of Islam as being the main source of Islamic extremism. CIP also has spoken out publicly against CAIR as not being truly representative of peaceful Muslims. They have applauded the action of the FBI in breaking off its relationship with CAIR. CIP also has singled out the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim Student Associations for criticism.
I have seen Mr Schwartz several times on television, so I know where he stands. He, his organization, and all Muslims who reject the call to violent jihad, intolerance and imposition of Shariah law in the West deserve to be applauded and supported.
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