Hotel Fontainebleau, Miami Beach

John Sweeney
"I'll have the roast quail a'la Pigalle and a bottle of the 1923 Chateau Lafitte du Boeuf..... burp"
Guess who's been down in Miami Beach gallivanting at the luxurious Hotel Fontainebleau this week? Big Labor, that's who. None other than the AFL-CIO has had their big convention in Miami Beach to figure out ways to fight for the Working Guy-you know, the unionized workers who pay their union dues so the AFL-CIO can funnel money to the Democratic Party-and allow their bosses like John Sweeney to hold conventions in places like Miami Beach.
Yesterday, none other than Vice-Boss Joe Biden ("Just Plain Joe") spoke at the convention and assured the union bosses that they had a friend in the White House. New Labor Secretary Hilda Solis spoke Monday night and wowed the crowd. She should. She is solidly pro-union. Now they can all get down to business and figure out ways to help the Working Guy (who will never afford the $400-a-night rooms at the Fontainebleau) like passing the card check system that will allow unions to get around that pesky secret ballot system for having union representation. If that passes Congress, which it probably will now that the Dems are in control, that average Working Guy will be paid a visit by Vinnie and Sluggo "asking" him to sign the card in their presence so that their union will be certified. Then someday all Working Guys (and Gals) will be unionized and John Sweeney and all the other bosses will be able to afford even nicer hotels for their future conventions dedicated to figuring out more ways to help the Working Guy (and Gal).
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