Social critic Bill Maher and friend
“I'm not that convinced that that's her baby.”
" is a little suspicious because the daughter, who we know is fertile because she's knocked up- again...."
These are the "funny" lines Bill Maher mouthed Friday on his HBO show, Real Time, in regard to the Internet rumor that Sarah Palin is not the real mother of baby Trig, rather it is her own daughter, Bristol who is the mother.
Of course, this is nothing new for Mr Maher. This is the same "comedian" that has questioned the courage of American troops and called George W. Bush a "deserter" over the President's National Guard service during the Viet Nam war. Never mind that Bill Maher has never bothered to serve his country in uniform-active duty or National Guard. Hey! Weekends are for the Playboy Mansion-not the Guard.
Maher is not content to poke fun at Sarah Palin, who is the Republican VP candidate and, thus, must expect scrutiny, criticism, and yes, jokes. What is particularly outrageous is that he is also using her 17-year-old daughter as the butt of his tasteless jokes.
However, there is a positive side to all this (believe it or not). The American people are watching the attacks upon Palin and her family, and they are becoming increasingly revolted. Partially as a result of this, McCain and Palin have shot ahead in the polls. I firmly believe that the attacks on Palin and her family by the Democrats, the media and Hollywood types like Bill Maher are turning the public's attitude in her favor.
I hope Maher's ratings were sky-high Friday. The more people who know what he said, the better.
Definitely not one of his better moments. I can understand why people wouldn't like him. I just like what he says on some issues.
Oh, and I read a review of Religulous and it sounds like he goes after the Muslims pretty hard - pointing out much of the stuff that you do. See, even you can agree with the guy on some things.
Reminds me of that one time when Sean Hannity said something that I didn't think was bat-crap crazy.
Definitely not one of his better moments. I can understand why people wouldn't like him. I just like what he says on some issues.
Oh, and I read a review of Religulous and it sounds like he goes after the Muslims pretty hard - pointing out much of the stuff that you do. See, even you can agree with the guy on some things.
Reminds me of that one time when Sean Hannity said something that I didn't think was bat-crap crazy.
I agree with you one this one Gary, I watch Maher on Larry King and I am more and more seeing a perverted and bitter old man. He used to be funny.
I surely hope that Democrats distance themselves from this kind of spite and cynicism, and that all people don't hold Obama responsible for the stupidity of some people in show business.
To vote for Palin because of this isn't showning any smarts either.
Yeah, but you know what they say about broken clocks.
Make no mistake. Every time the media/Hollywood go after Palin and make snide remarks about her daughter and baby, people are deciding to vote for McCain.
The left is making a big mistake. What they are trying to do is drive her into withdrawing. Even if that works, it will backfire on them big time.
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