Russell Brand and friends-He is begging us to elect Barack Obama
I must confess, I had never heard of British comedian Russell Brand until today when I learned of his "performance" hosting the MTV/VMA awards. I do know a thing or two about MTV, which is a liberal, juvenile outfit where bad taste reigns supreme.
Now comes this puke from Great Britain with hair that looks like a dead porcupine fell on his head to appear on an American stage and call our president a "cowboy retard". Then he begs America to elect Barack Obama as president-for the sake of the World.
Keep talking, Russell, keep talking.
And he did, launching into an attack on-you know who-Sarah Palin and her family. He not only threw a joke at Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol-he threw one out at baby Trig. According to this jerk, "it's not a boy. It's not a girl. It's a PR stunt."
This is beyond sick. What makes it more outrageous is that this is a guy who comes to our country and tells us who to vote for while bad-mouthing our president and the Palin family. I will be the first to admit that this arouses the nationalistic-perhaps, even jingoistic feelings lurking deep inside me-and I'm a guy whose middle name is International (LOL).
As I said regarding Bill Maher, these remarks deserve maximum dissemination. They can only drive millions more voters into the McCain/Palin column come November.
So, thank you, Mr Brand-and have a nice trip back to the UK.
Nice straw men you've set up here.
Thanks, Bryan. Glad you like them.
You know, I'm a simple guy (even though I teach at UCI). I am still trying to figure out exactly what a straw man is. I went round and round with Lance on this because he said I was using a straw man on some issue. The definition is a little convoluted.
Just out of curiosity,
If Charles Lindbergh was a supporter of Hitler (which he was), is that a justifiable slap at Lindbergh?
If Charles Manson were to endorse John McCain, would it be unfair to point that out? Perhaps.
Yet, if one could point out numerous questionable persons who are associated with a particular person, such as Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayres, Michael Pfleger, etc, is that legitamite?
I'm not making light of your comment. The point I am making with Maher and Brand is that all these attacks on Sarah Palin and her family coming from Hollywood and the media are hitting home with the public. I will also say this at the risk of being overly nationalistic: When a Brit (or any other nationality) comes here and insults our president (whatever Americans may think of GW)and tells us how to vote-that is offensive.
I have traveled to over 50 countries and lived in 3 other countries for over 11 years. I would never say the things Russell Brand did on foreign soil about their leaders.
To sum up, if I used a straw man, so be it.
In what way is Obama associated with these people though?
These people are entertainers. They will say "shocking" things to get attention. It's the nature of the business. In the end, who cares? I'm sure I could find some really wacky right-wingers who love McCain/Palin. Still doesn't matter. Candidates need to succeed or fail on their own merits.
Well, I'm not sure what Bryan means by a straw man on this one - but I don't know exactly what the guy's point was on the show as I didn't watch it myself. He was funny in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall but that's hardly going to make me listen to him regarding political issues. Sounds like a doofus, especially because he uses the word "retard" as a pejoritive, and as somebody whose wife works with special needs students, I know that's not an intelligent choice for an insult.
Anyway though, a straw man is easy to understand. It's when you argue a point that nobody's even making in order to easily tear down your oponent's side - mainly because arguing their actual point would be more difficult. It's a fallacy and it's dishonest. With that said though, I don't see how you're making one here. Maybe Bryan can explain it, as I'm tired and probably should be in bed right now.
I called you out on the Sarah Palin one where you said that democrats would praise a person for having an abortion - because I really can't picture anybody actually doing that.
Yes, a total doofus. (Brand or Maher?) As for your final paragraph, NOW would praise a person for having an abortion. How many of them are going to vote for McCain? How does zero sound to you?
Who are the wacky right-wingers that are as goofy as Brand?
I've seen Russel Brand on Jay Leno and he is weird, sometimes funny, but I certainly wouldn't vote for anybody because of what he says. I also resent foreigners coming to the US or Americans coming to Europe (like Johnny Depp and Dustin Hoffman) badmouthing G.W. even though I don't care for him. I don't badmouth my country or the president to anyone in Germany and always call Germans on it when they do. My fellow Americans here and I discuss our views with no malice towards our country because we love and respect it. But... I have some friends in the US who are Republicans, and though they are not in showbusiness, are real birdbrains, trust me.
Somehow, I doubt that. I'd be willing to be proven wrong though.
And I get now what Bryan was referring to when he called strawman on you.
As for crazy right wingers: Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, that guy who kept shouting "Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama!" etc. etc. etc.
And yes, I know that you will defend them, which baffles me - especially Ann Coulter, who acts like she's being the victim when she talks about 9/11 widows and when she called John Edwards a "faggot."
Oh, dang - I missed a big one: Michael Savage!!!! What's up with THAT guy?
Yes, that is the other side of the coin-Americans going to Europe and trashing their own country. Legal? Of course. Disgusting? Yes.
Johnny Depp moved to France, Madonna has moved to England. Susan Sarandon will move to Canada or Italy if McCain wins. (I hope she takes Tim Robbins with her.)
Amazing how many people love to trash our country-yet everyone seems to want to enjoy the benefits of what we have to offer. The fact is America is the most generous country on the face of the earth. Yes, we are the richest, but we have not failed to share our wealth with others.
Obama is not actually associated with those goofy entertainers. What I never cease to point out are the folks he is associated with-Wright, Pfleger, Ayres, Dohrn, Rezko.
If I point out two boobs like Brand or Maher, it is not after exhausting research that I discovered two embarrassing figures. They are just part of a trend that is all too common among the self-absorbed types in the Entertainment industry-an industry, by the way, where conservatives/Republicans mostly have to keep their political leanings secret lest they be shut out of work. There are exceptions to that, but they are usually big stars whose careers are secure (Chuck Norris, for example).
Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly, Limbaugh-you are talking about my heroes!
Michael Savage?......Well, sometimes.
Ya know, Gary, trashing the administration is not the same thing as trashing the country. This is one of the most vile accusations that so-called conservatives make.
You can love America but not love its leadership.
Regarding all of those folks, I'd actually say that they're worse because unlike guys like Brand, who nobody of consequence takes seriously, all of those right-wing pundits have a sheen of respectability - even when they say things that are totally crazy.
And Michael Savage - that guy is either all an act or not right in the head. Seriously. The man is ill.
That was fast. You must have my blog hooked up to your cell phone.
No, trashing the admin is not the same as trashing the country. The point that Ingrid and I were agreeing on is that it is unseemly for Americans to go overseas and bad-mouth the president in such vicious ways as have been done. No one is going to drag them off to jail when they return, but what is wrong on calling them out on it? That's my free speech.
No one takes Brand seriously? Apparently those loopty loos at the MTV awards take him seriously.
Yeah, I'm fast - taking breaks on my prep period while grading papers and lesson planning - lest I start to go into a coma.
You have every right to call them out on it, and I'm using my freedom of speech to say that you're calling them out on it is disingenuous. See, it doesn't just work two ways, it works three ways! (And no doubt a fourth!)
Oh, the people at MTV take him seriously? Well then, that's definitely cause for concern. Hopefully he won't reach out to the powerful lobby of toddlers who hang out in the McDonald's playground area.
Judging from his picture, that is a distinct possibility.
To steal a line from Laura Ingraham (who is definitely one of my heroes), Fousesquawk is your "healthy Internet addiction."
Oh, Michelle "Scarves = Terrorism" Malkin and Steve "Being close to Alaska gives you international experience" Doocey. There are just doofuses aplenty on the right!
Sorry - just had to rub that in. You'll be pleased to know, however, that I just debunked an anti-Palin rumor that's been circulating via email. (It's on my blog.)
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