"Burn them! Burn them!"
Below are comments from various liberal media figures and Democrats on the candidacy of Sarah Palin, more specifically, the pregnancy of her 17-year-old daughter.
Barney Frank on Tuesday making the case that discussion of Palin's daughter is fair game: "These are the ones that made an issue of her family."
"...recent disclosures on daughter blunts conservative claims that liberalism harms family life."
Comment: Barney Frank is a hypocrite. This is the congressman who was reprimanded years ago when it was revealed that his lover, a male prostitute, was using the home they shared in Washington as a male brothel while Barney was on Capitol Hill. Barney even took care of the parking tickets.
NBC's commentator, Jonathan Alter speaking Tuesday on the "Morning Joe Show" and defending the media's behavior: "This is, to quote The Godfather, this is the business they have chosen."
CNN's Campbell Brown, when not ranting about Palin's "lack of experience", is asking how Palin could expose her daughter to publicity by running for VP. Perhaps no one would have said anything if the Daily Kos had not run with a ridiculous rumor that Bristol Palin was the real mother of the boy born in April with Downs Syndrome.
Did you know that Palin's husband, Todd, was arrested for DUI in 1986? How long did it take the msm to dig that up? Not as long as it took for them to finally report on the Edwards story-when Edwards decided to fess up to ABC.
Do you care that Todd Palin was busted for drunk driving 22 years ago?
Since when did Democrats and the media become the "family values" crowd? Isn't it interesting how the mainstream media, which ran and hid from the John Edwards story-even though they knew the National Enquirer had incontrovertible evidence and photos of Edwards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, are jumping all over the fact that Sarah Palin's unwed daughter is pregnant? And this is just the beginning. The entire Palin family is under attack, and it is about to get a whole lot worse. (We have not seen the last of that whole msm/National Enquirer relationship. Before long, comparisons and contrasts will be in order.)
This is going to be an ugly campaign.
Do you really think that if Obama or Biden had a pregnant teenage daughter, the media would ignore it? Come on - the Republicans would be all over them and not giving anywhere near the quarter that they demand for Palin.
Comparing it to the Edwards thing is apples and oranges.
IF Obama or Biden had a pregnant teenage daughter...
Yes, the media would ignore it as they should. And I disagree that Republicans would be all over them. (The family)
Here's an example: As we speak, Biden's son (a Wash lobbyist) and his brother are being sued for fraud by a former business associate. The media is not reporting it. (I hasten to add I don't know the facts or truth behind the charges.)
I have linked to your post from Barney Frank • Let him who is without sin throw the first stone
Thank you, Wayne. Keep up the good work.
I think there's a difference between the children of politicians who are still under the guardianship and care of said politicians, and those that are not. So the Biden comparison doesn't really stand.
I don't want to hear about Palin's or Biden's family, really. Palin is terrible for many other reasons based on her own positions and actions. Biden too. No need to even present their families as evidence.
I think you still miss my point. The media is all over Palin's family but not Biden's. If Palin's children were grown and Biden's were not, it would be the same thing. It's media bias.
I think that the bias has more to do with the fact that the Palin story is far more sensationalistic. (Which isn't a good thing, mind you.) Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. If you can think of a democrat who has had a scandal that's actually comparable, then your point would be stronger.
"I think that the bias has more to do with the fact that the Palin story is far more sensationalistic."
No, Lance. I don't buy it. Being pregnant at 17 is not as bad as committing fraud. (Again, I repeat, I don't know if the Bidens have committed fraud-only that they are being sued for fraud.)
You will never convince me that this isn't ideological bias.
I'm not talking about how bad one is versus the other. In fact, push comes to shove, I'd agree with you.
My point is that the pregnancy story is fodder for the masses. A story about fraud would bore John Q. Public.
It's a sad state of affairs, to be sure, but in this case, the bias is towards getting ratings.
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