"I hope none of those right-wing nut cases are on board recording us."
When I first heard the account of a Redstate blog contributor overhearing and recording a conversation between former DNC National Chairman Dan Fowler and Congressman John Spratt (D-SC) on a flight from Denver to Charlotte after the Democrat Convention, I held off on saying anything about it. First of all, I didn't see any one's name attached to the account (probably my oversight). Secondly, I wanted to hear what Mr Fowler would say. Now there is a name attached to the story; Celeb Howe, and we have Mr Fowler's statement.
Apparently, Mr Howe was seated behind Fowler and Spratt on the plane. According to his account, they made fun of Sarah Palin for several minutes. Fowler reportedly called her, "Dan Quayle on steroids". They both agreed that "other than the simple fact that she is a female", she has nothing to offer.
Then Howe reportedly recorded this from Fowler:
FOWLER: “Plus I think the hurricane is going to hit New Orleans about the time they start. The timing is, at least it appears now, that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates God is on our side. everything’s cool.”
We also now have an apology of sorts from Mr Fowler:
“If this offended anybody, I personally apologize,” Fowler told ABC News. “It was a mistake, and it was a satirical statement made in jest. And one that I clearly don’t believe.”
“One doesn't anticipate that one’s private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,” said Fowler. “But that’s the nature of what we’re dealing with.”
“I believe in a benevolent God,” said Fowler. “I’m a religious person. It was a facetious statement, some might even say satirical, play off of what Falwell said.”
“If it offended anybody. I’m sorry for that,” said Fowler. “I don’t think anybody in America wishes for something bad to happen to New Orleans. I certainly don’t.”
Well, that's pretty good, Mr Fowler. As the Democrats love to say, "he has apologized, and it's time to move on."
"If I offended anybody...."
For starters, I'm sure Governor Palin wasn't offended. Likewise for the Republicans. Why should they be offended? And those folks in New Orleans? Perish the thought.
Actually, if anyone is offended, it seems to be Mr Fowler at being overheard and recorded by one of those "right-wing nut cases".
If Mr Fowler doesn't want to be overheard by anyone, maybe he should keep his comments to himself when he is on a public conveyance, especially, as Howe claims, he was talking across the aisle.
"But that's the nature of what we're dealing with."
Yes, indeed. We are dealing with the former head of the DNC making light of the hurricane situation in New Orleans and saying that God "is on our side. Every thing's cool." These are the same people who, to this day, castigate President Bush for his handling of Hurricane Katrina. Now Mr Fowler treats Hurricane Gustav as a gift from God because it will supposedly embarrass the Republicans in the middle of their convention. So much for the "party of compassion."
What a bunch of phony hypocrites.
Actually, I made a similar comment regarding the hurricane, and I was being just as satirical about it.
Seems to me what he was referring to were the people who called Katrina God's punishment for New Orleans' tolerance of homosexuals. And, while I hate to go slapping labels, the sort of people who said it were definitely what you'd call right wing. I'd even go so far as to add the nutjobs for anybody who believes something like that.
See, that's the difference, Gary. When the religious right says things like that, they actually mean it! This guy was clearly joking. A tasteless joke? Maybe, but if we only told tasteful jokes, we'd be stuck with nothing but knock knock jokes, and who wants to live in a world like that?
C'mon Lance, you're spinning. The guy compounded his screw up with his "apology". Do you really think when he was saying those things, he was making a satirical reference to Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson?
What do you think the Dems would be saying now if those comments had been made by a prominant Republican? Can you imagine Keith Olbermann's reaction?
I don't know enough about the guy to know his true intentions, so I can only speak for myself. I made a similar comment about God sending a hurricane to show his displeasure with the Republicans while I was talking to my wife at the breakfast table. I was obviously kidding, but luckily there weren't any bloggers out there who'd want to catch me on that.
So, maybe he wasn't making a satirical comment, but I have no problem believing that he was. I don't know enough about the guy to know his particular sense of humor. Also, I know that Democrats like to invoke God when it serves their purpose, but generally speaking, if a person is talking about God demonstrating his wrath via natural occurences, I'd be willing to bet money that it's a Republican/right-winger who's doing it.
You're probably right though. If a Republican made a similar comment, although in a joking/satirical manner, folks like Olbermann would be all over him - and unfairly at that.
And if you had bet money on this one, you would have been a loser.
Actually, I would hate to have everything I've said in private made public, but that's another reason I don't even think aboiut running for public office.
Just out of curiosity, in reading my posting, is this the first you heard about Fowler's comments?
Yup - it's new to me.
So, do you really think that the guy believes that the hurricane is proof that he has God on the side of the democrats? I mean, I know that people do say stuff like that and mean it, but to me the context seems like he's joking.
The point is, Lance, that you had to hear about it on the blogs and not the mainstream media. They don't want to play it up because he's a Dem-just like the Edwards deal.
And you think the media is fair?
Whoa...did I ever say it was fair? My accusation is that the bigger problem is that it's irresponsible and often inaccurate. The bias part isn't its biggest problem.
There we have a fundamental disagreement. You concede that the media is irresponsible and inaccurate, I say the reason is because of their liberal (pro-Democrat) agenda. This latest issue is just one of thousands that illustrate the point. I could literally write for days giving you examples.
Well, I don't see how bad science reporting and celebrity obsession is a result of bias either way, but at least we both see that there's a problem. Perhaps we'll just have to focus on that.
I'm sorry, but why should this be all over the news? Really, who cares? Seriously Gary, why do you care so much? This guy is even more irrelevant than Edwards. Part of the reason that the media doesn't report on it is because 99% of people won't even know who the guy is or why they should care what he says.
Do you really want MORE sensationalistic reporting? I want reporting on ISSUES, dammit!
Do you honestly expect the media to jump on every little gaff and stupid statement that a Democrat makes? We'd need about a dozen 24-hour channels just for that.
I'd also like an example of a comparable story that was covered about a similar Republican. As in, a Republican as irrelevant as this guy is. Not McCain, not Palin, not Trent Lott. I want you to dig up a story about some obscure Republican ex-politician saying something stupid and getting caught by the media. I challenge you.
Also, his remark was OBVIOUSLY satire, and I can tell that without even hearing his voice.
The ironic thing is that I saw a video on Youtube a few weeks ago, put out by Focus On the Family, a conservative evangelical Christian group. In the video, they asked for everyone to pray that God would cause it to rain during Obama's acceptance speech in Denver. Well, there was no rain. Yet now a big storm disrupted the Republican convention. Now I don't believe that God cares either way, or is partial to either party, I just thought it was ironic and funny.
Challenge accepted.
How about ex-Senator Phil Gramm saying that America is a "nation of whiners"? That made a big splash. McCain had to disown the statement. It certainly made more headlines than Fowler's comment.
And let me add this: If you watched the Democratic convention, what you witnessed was a convention of whiners.
And how do you conclude that Fowler's remark was OBVIOUSLY satire?
Sorry, but you failed the challenge. You chose someone closely associated with the McCain campaign and therefore completely relevant. Please try again.
And do you honestly agree with that guy? Putting aside the issue of whether or not the Democrats were "whining" at their convention, do you honestly believe we are a nation of whiners? Because that, to me, is a completely despicable thing to say. Are we supposed to just accept the way things are, accept the status quo, in fear of being "whiney"? Yeah, let's not voice our complaints about any thing. It's not like that's part of what this country was founded on.
But I guess it's easy to call everyone else whiners when you're a multi-millionaire white male.
To all those who think they know what God had to do with all this:
Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
It seems you are moving the goal posts. You don't like my example, so you find a reason to say Phil Gramm is relevant. I don't see where he is any more relevant than Dan Fowler.
How about Ann Coulter? (Don't shoot through the roof, now.) Virtually everything she says draws a reaction from the left. Sometimes, they even throw pies at her. The only difference is she never apologizes because she is deliberately trying to push their buttons.
Do I agree with Phil Gramm? Partially. I don't think all Americans are whiners. I do think, however, that the far-left is full of whiners.
Not to gang up on you here, but are you saying that Dan Fowler is as well known as Ann "I should be allowed to use the word faggot" Coulter?
No. Next question.
Okay then, why bring her up? Bryan's point was that the media didn't jump on Fowler because he's too obscure. Coulter is not a valid equivalent.
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