Ja,ja, ve haf ein skandal!!
Now that I am a fullfledged subscriber to the Daily Kos (I had to register in order to send in a response last week), I occasionally drop in over there to check out what Markos Moulitzos and the Katzenjammer Kids are up to. They certainly do have a collection of angry lefties over there. Their reaction to the Sarah Palin nomination is a case in point.
In the past few days, Daily Kos has been running with an Internet rumor that Sarah Palin's baby, born in April with Downs Syndrome, was really the child of Palin's daughter, Bristol, who is 17. According to the story, Palin claimed to be the mother to protect her daughter. The Kos also showed photos allegedly taken of Palin with no noticeable bulge during the time she would have been 6 months pregnant.
Well, with that story growing on the Internet, Palin has now announced that Bristol is currently pregnant with a child due in December, which makes it very unlikely that Bristol gave birth to a baby in April (do the math). Palin states that Bristol plans to have the child and marry the father.
John McCain, who was reportedly advised of the situation, is supposedly furious at the Daily Kos for forcing Palin to go public due to the unsubstantiated Internet rumors. In addition, Bill O'Reilly, no fan of the Kos, has also chimed in with his condemnation of the blog as a hate site. The Kos is fighting back with its own attacks on O'Reilly and Juan Williams, who one writer described as "the white man's black man".
Meanwhile, kudos to Barack Obama for publicly stating that the Palin story is off limits.
Also today, the Kos is focusing on the events in the Minneapolis-St Paul area, which is being wracked by violent demonstrations by anarchists. Police have been assaulted, police cars damaged and windows broken. Yet, the Kos is accusing the police of attacking "peaceful" protesters. Whose side is the Kos on?
Save your comments. It was just a rhetorical question.
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