Congresswoman Laura Richardson, (D-CA)
The State of California is loaded with bad politicians, from the super-liberal to the corrupt, to the incompetent. One who might just take the cake is Congresswoman Laura Richardson (D-CA), who represents the 37th District of California (Long Beach)in Washington. Prior to being elected to Congress, Richardson was a figure in California state politics.
What sets Richardson apart from all the other bums? Richardson may be the only one who could be termed a "deadbeat" due to her history of failure to pay her mortgages on various California homes.
After being elected to the state assembly in 2006, Richardson purchased a 2-story home in Sacramento with no down payment and at a sub-prime mortgage rate. On July 27 2008, the lender, Washington Mutual, foreclosed on the home when Richardson stopped making her payments and failed to make payments for almost a year. (A lien had also been placed on the home due to unpaid utility bills.) Total amount owed was $578,000.
Even though the house was later purchased by a broker at a foreclosure sale, Richardson was able somehow to get the bank to rescind the sale and return it to her. How she accomplished that is a matter of speculation. The broker charged "preferential treatment".
In addition to all that, neighbors have not been happy with Richardson's care -or lack thereof- of the home. Garbage and uncut grass have been a chronic problem. In short, the house is the eyesore of the neighborhood. According to the LA Times, the City of Sacramento has declared the house a "public nuisance".
The Sacramento house is not the only home that Richardson has owned. She also owns a home in San Pedro, in which her mother resides, and a home in Long Beach. Like the one in Sacramento, the Long Beach home is in disarray. The LA Times reported on 5-31-08 that, in the last 13 months (as of May), Richardson had defaulted 5 times to a tune of almost $71,000. According to the Long Beach Press Telegram, while Richardson has worked out a payment agreement on the Long Beach home, the San Pedro home faces foreclosure.
So aren't the voters of Long Beach proud of the representative they have sent to Congress? Visit Richardson's official webpage, and you will see nothing of this scandal. What you will read is the "accomplishments" of Richardson while in office. I won't bother to recite them here, I'm sure you all know them by rote. She also informs us that she is the 239th woman in Congress, blah, blah, blah.
Laura Richardson. Remember that name. If Obama names her as his running mate, you heard it here first.
Sounds like she has some serious financial troubles, and that is too bad. It is not something we should take joy in. Perhaps she should consider putting her Congressional career on hold while she sorts things out.
Do you really expect her to post negative things on her own site though? Show me one politician that does.
And here's the latest short list for Obama's VP:
"Obama was believed to have narrowed his list to Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius."
No Bryan, it is not something that we should take joy in-that we have such people in Congress!!!
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