"Sex change we can believe in, Jesse?
It seems that Jesse Jackson, in making his apologies for his comments about wanting to "cut Obama's nuts off", is getting the assistance of the main stream media in allowing him to make his apology in his own way and reiterate his support for Obama's candidacy. Of course, the Democrats are not about to throw Jackson under the bus any more than the MSM. (The harshest criticism to date from any Democrat has come from none other than Jesse Jackson Jr.!)In his long history of embarrassing himself, he has never really been held accountable. Why should we expect him to be held accountable now?
As usual, Jackson's "apology" is weak, meandering, and without challenge from the liberal media. In his explanation, he rambles on about every topic imaginable, as if they had anything to do with the issue at hand.
I don't want to delve into Jackson's record in the Civil Rights Movement. In that, he fought the good fight. I also recognize that Jackson is a legitimately ordained minister having attended the requisite seminary. What I question is his career in the post-Civil Rights Era. There is little doubt that over the course of past decades, Jackson has played the "victim card". His Rainbow-Push Coalition has been charged with engaging in corporate shakedowns, threatening to sue companies for discrimination in the hiring practices unless they agree to do business with the reverend's chosen cronies, both in hiring and contributions.
Jackson has also raised questions over the years as to his true religious convictions. Whether it be his infamous "Hymietown" comment about New York City or his fathering an illegitimate child a few years back or bringing his mistress to the White House as he provided "counseling" to Bill Clinton, his personal life has been at odds with that expected of a man of God.
It also may be fairly argued that Jackson holds feelings and attitudes that contrast with Christian thought. He has been accused of wanting to be the chief spokesman or "leader" of African-Americans. Many are now speculating that his comments about Obama are driven by jealousy. Jackson, of course, made unsuccessful runs for the Democratic nomination for the presidency in the 1980s. Now, Obama has come out of nowhere in a couple of years to surpass Jackson's political achievements. What does it do to Jackson's message of a racist America and black victimhood if Obama is elected president? It would mean that Jesse Jackson is irrelevant-if not already.
Almost overlooked in the "nuts" comment was what he said about Obama seconds before. Jackson feels that Obama is talking down to black Americans with his faith-based ideas. Really? What does Reverend Jackson have against faith-based programs? Is he upset about Obama's speeches to black audiences stressing parental responsibility to children who are being fathered out of wedlock at an alarming rate? Jackson, who grew up without his biological father, has also fathered a child out of wedlock with his mistress. Has this issue angered Jackson? In his "acceptance" of Reverend Jackson's "apology", Obama has mentioned that he himself (Obama) grew up minus his father, who abandoned the family when the senator was a toddler. A subtle dig back, perhaps?
Jackson's explanation about his comments is nothing short of bull. It is hard to imagine at this point that Jackson wishes Obama well. As it has been for decades, for Jesse, it is all about Jesse, first and foremost.
So what did Jackson really mean when he said, "I want to cut his nuts off"?
He wants to cut his nuts off.
What Was Jesse thinking? Well, who was he talking to?
OBH looked down on church-going, gun-owning people from PA. Now he is looking down on Jesse’s constituency. Does this mean that Mr. Himeytown will not be in BHO's cabinet. I was not shocked by the statement, but I was surprised he ended his sentence with the preposition "off". Shouldn't it be “I want to cut off his nuts”?
Listen, dangling prepositions are the least of Jesse's problems with the English language.
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