Beware the Ides of March
Who was caught on an open mike today saying (about Barack Obama) that he wanted to "cut his nuts off"?
a Bill Clinton
b Hillary Clinton
c John McCain
d OJ Simpson
e The Reverend Jesse Jackson
I'll give you a hint.
Still don't know? It was the Reverend Jackson (e).
Actually it was a good many of us, myself included in that. I'm sure the line is very long.
Who still listens to Jesse Jackson? I can't ever understand what he says. BTW, who is "Akdeminejad" that McCain was talking about? How can he know his enemy if he doesn't even know how to say his name. We are surrounded by nincampoops. I worry.
Who cares about what Jesse Jackson has to say, even if one can understand his muddled speaking. BTW just who is "Akdeminedjad" that McCain was talking about? How does he know his enemy if he doesn't even know his name? We are surrounded by nincompoops and I really worry.
I think Jackson's following is pretty small now. Every time he surfaces, it is something negative. I am thinking of doing an essay on him soon.
Fact of the matter is, Obama just has real bad luck with preachers.
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