
Friday, June 15, 2012

Update on Fired UCLA Professor

Hat tip Daily Caller

I previously posted an article (2010) on the controversial firing of a UCLA professor because he didn't go along with the Global Warming religion as prophesied by Al Gore.


Now James Enstrom is taking his case to court.

If there is any justice, Enstrom will win his lawsuit. In fact, he should own UCLA after this is over.


Squid said...

James Enstrom should win the case and own UCLA. Enstrom had the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the deceit, deception and dishonesty of the warmers, posing as scientists. Hopefully, the case goes viral and all the warmers get exposed as psuedo scientists grabing at grants that are designed to prove man made global warming is destroying the world. The findings of this pseudo science is for EPA to regulate and destroy the energy industry, such as coal, being an example.


Anonymous said...

I read both articles, and neither one of them even mentions the phrase "global warming" (or "climate change" for that matter).

Why do you think that this is about global warming?

--Anonymous 703

Gary Fouse said...


Perhaps I should not have put this story under the "global warming tent" or thrown in Al Gore's name. What tent should I have put it under? To me, it's all part of the GW scare, save the environment etc. In the case of California, we have a corrupt Air Resources board passing regulations that cripple companies using diesel engines based on a fraudulent study by a man with a fraudulent degree.

So if you wish take GW out of the conversation and we'll call it pollution or whatever you like. Then tell me what is going on at UCLA is justified.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's justified or not. You seem to have made up your mind. I'll wait and see what's decided in court. Sure, it's possible that he has been wronged. It is also possible that he's a crank who does bad research. I prefer to wait until I have all the facts before I make up my mind.

It just seemed weird to me that you and all the people who commented on the original article keep bringing up global warming, when the issue doesn't seem to have anything to do with it at all.

--Anonymous 703

Gary Fouse said...

Anon 703.

Enstrom's resume indicates he is not a crank, but even if he is, he must have a lot of company on campus.

I would encourage you to do the research on Mary D Nichols, who is not only with CARB, but has a position at UCLA as well. Check out the story on that Tran guy who Enstrom refuted. In fact, you can do it all right here on fousesquawk-or check out John and Ken radio Show in LA 640 am.

Anonymous said...

"Enstrom's resume indicates he is not a crank..."

What about the resumes of all the scientists who find his research lacking?

I just think that you might be counting your chickens in this case is all. Wait for all the facts to come out first and see how the trial goes.

--Anonymous 703

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Anyone who flatly denies that human-generated greenhouse gases are causing warming of the surface of earth is incompetent to teach geology, chemistry, meterology, physics... but that should be no bar to teaching English, humanities, religion, music, or any number of other fields.

Maybe he could teach Community Studies at UC-Santa Cruz... no, Hillsdale.