The New York Post is reporting a case of anti-Jewish vandalism in Brooklyn, which occurred early this morning.
Sadly, it is becoming more and more common. Kudos to the Post for at least reporting it.
The NY Post will report it, but the NY Police Department will bury this under the rug.
That's a left-facing swastika, or manji, symbol of the Hachisuka clan. Police should either be investigating nearby Japanese neighborhoods, or, this is the work of someone so historically ignorant that they don't know the Nazi Party adopted a right-facing swastika.
Whoever left this thinks a whole lot of their snivelling little self. They should be arrested if possible, but ridiculed, not built up as a significant threat, which would only inflate their ego far beyond the significance of a petty piece of vandalism. They might, however, be offered five days off their sentence for reading The Diary of Ann Frank, if they can write a decent book report, and three days for reading Freedom Writers AND watching the movie.
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