DJ Thaddeus Matthews
Just ask Charlotte Bergmann, who is running for a local congressional seat in Memphis after being "interviewed" on a local radio show by DJ Thaddeus Matthews. This is what happened.
Below is a segment of the incident and an interview with Bergmann on Lou Dobbs' show on Fox:
One hardly knows where to begin. As I have said many times before on this blog, black conservatives pay a steep price for wandering off the Democrat party plantation and offering African-Americans an alternative choice.
And once again, the local media chooses not to publicize what happened.
You can see the examples from Larry Elder to Condoleeza Rice, to Thomas Sowell, to Clarence Thomas and on and on. Now Bergmann joins the ranks of conservative black Republicans who are labeled as "Uncle Toms", "Aunt Jemimas" "token Negroes", and "tools of white folk." This is what happens to African-American voices who have the temerity to proclaim that everyone in today's America can succeed if they have the will.
There are few people in this country with more intellectual courage that black conservatives. This latest incident says much more about racists like Thaddeus Matthews than it ever could about Bergmann or any other black conservative.
I would like to ask Matthews just what is it that blacks have accomplished by being a monolithic vote for the Democrat party. Look at virtually any American city with rampant crime, corruption, crumbling infrastructure and failing schools and ask which party is running the show. It is Democrats. Yet no black person is supposed to step away from that plantation lest they be labeled some sort of race traitor.
Is that not a form of racism in itself?
It's not always easy being a white conservative, let alone a black (or actually just about any minority) one.
It's a sad fact that blacks are more racist than whites now. They have things like the "Black Caucus" and it would be unimaginable to have such a thing as a "White Caucus." The Hispanics have "La Raza" - the Race...literally, everything for their race. That would be unthinkable for whites.
There is the same outrage among the Democrats for anyone else they consider being part of their constituency, including women (look at the vicious scorn directed at Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, etc.)
It is the same thing for young people and union members. If they are conservative, the Democrats treat them as TRAITORS to their brethren.
You make a good point about how much all this (95%+) loyalty by the blacks to the Democrats has returned for them. Almost all urban governments have been controlled by blacks for 50 years with rare exceptions. The cities are in decay and some actually insolvent.
Academia has been in the hands of liberals for about the same amount of time and we are graduating functional illiterates....but the graduates are liberal. I saw one study that reported that what the graduates wanted from the government was 1) College loans paid off 2) Get them a job! 3) medical care and other benefits 4) nice retirement income.
The unions have always been democratic and union membership is in major decline... except in the public sector where union membership is increasing and thriving. That is, until they bankrupt the municipality or state just as they have done to the auto industry and others. They fail to realize that at some point they suck the host dry. The leach kills the prey.
There are many other examples but it just goes to prove that once you are at the public trough and getting stuff from the government, you worry about what might happen to that trough and you lash out, disproportionately, against any who might upset it.
This radio show host is a knee jerk liberal who is outraged that anyone who SHOULD be liberal, actually thinks for them-self.
I'm always glad to see another black conservative... that means white people will free free to be something other than conservative again.
Sorry, P.S. to Siarlys--
Remember the old saw that goes something like:
"If you are young and have no heart, you are a conservative. If you are old and have no brain, you are a liberal".
Thanks, elwood, I wasn't sure exactly what the La Raza motto was but I knew it was outrageously racist when I first saw it.
I don't know how any politician (or decent person) can identify with it.
Siarlys--don't be so sensitive, I was speaking, humorously I hoped, about generic liberals and conservatives, and did not intend to label you as either, since I did not know what you were.
Actually, I still don't know if I actually know what you are. Your explanation leads me to conjecture that you may be more like a butterfly, flitting around from place to place. Are you unclassifiable, or do you pass as an independent?? Just curious.
elwood, your old saw was addressed "P.S. to Siarlys," so naturally I replied with how the old saw did or did not apply to me. I don't try to fit myself into the commonly accepted stereotypes, but what I previously outline is my best attempt to be a little more precise about what I do believe. I've heard the tired cant about how you can't be both libertarian and socialist, even some characters at Front Porch Republic who insist that libertarian is another name for liberal (without offering a definition of either).
In a culture and economy where just about everyone owned enough property to be self-supporting, where there were no banks, only locally owned credit unions, I probably wouldn't see much basis to be socialist.
However, in an economy of scale, and advanced technology, where there are going to be some big, comprehensive, even near-monopoly institutions, the corporation itself becomes a form of tyranny equal to that of government, or worse, since as "private property" it is not subject to the same constitutional restraints.
I mostly end up voting for Democrats, even though the party leadership tend to be a pack of uncreative, slightly paranoid, spineless cowards, because the fare offered by the Republicans is far, far, worse. The "vast right wing conspiracy" was brought into being when Hillary Clinton uttered that nonsensical phrase, and gains strength, like Anteus, every time Democrats devote their time and money to denouncing it. Therefore, I do not donate to the DNC.
But getting back to the video feed... so now there's a black Rush Limbaugh! (I mean the loud-mouthed, trash-talking radio host, not the meek, soft-voiced candidate.)
Siarlys--thanx. I think.
I can understand black conservatism, given the history of black people in American. What I don't understand is why so many black conservatives are hitching their wagons to the mainstream Republican Party.
Well, Beyond, the reason is that thinking blacks are becoming more conservative is that the Democratic entitlement/dependency policies of the last 60 years have failed them badly and left them worse off.
I don't know what problem there is when you say that black conservatives "are hitching their wagons to the mainstream Republican Party."
Certainly Thomas Sowell is mainstream Republican Party as is Herman Kane and Allen West although they are for one candidate or another.
What do you expect the or Larry Elders, J.C Watts or Michael Steeles of the world to be? Libertarians?
I have a hard time taking this author serious. Do you really expect to be treated as anything other than a traitor for joining ranks with the party that's trying to take away black people's right to vote? Hell, if you're still confused, this blog gives a Black progressive's view of a Black conservative. Check it out.
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