
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Retired DEA Agent Adds Inside Info to Fast and Furious Scandal

Retired DEA agent and former agent-in-charge of DEA's Tucson office, Tony Coulson, has added some very interesting information to the on-going Fast and Furious scandal. This information could implicate other federal agencies in the mess. It also undercuts the position of Eric Holder and his cronies in DOJ that they had no knowledge of this operation. The Daily Caller received the information from Coulson, and their article is posted below, followed by PJ Media's report.

As a retired DEA agent who is proud of the agency I worked for, it pains me to say that the current DEA administrator, Michelle Leonhart, should be called to testify as should none other than Janet Napolitano, whose agents were shot and killed as a result of this operation. Now it is alleged that ICE made at least one interdiction of weapons involved in the ATF operation before they could reach Mexico. Janet Napolitano's silence can no longer be tolerated. Given her own ties with Arizona (She was governor), it is not reasonable to think she had no knowledge of what was going on.

Yesterday, I attended a regular luncheon of retired DEA agents in the LA area. The topic came up for discussion, and everyone who weighed in was appalled.  I am not happy to hear that there was any degree of DEA involvement, but it must be brought out if true.

The bottom line is that the entire federal law enforcement apparatus has apparently been compromised by this operation. People in Justice, including Holder, have committed perjury. It is time to subpoena any federal agency head who had knowledge of Fast and Furious and ask the question that has become a cliche:

"What did you know and when did you know it?'

1 comment:

elwood p suggins said...

Looks like the walls are starting to crumble just a little bit more?? This thing may get there yet.