
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Indoctrination at Harvard

Veritas-Doesn't that mean truth?

Tabitha Korol, writing in Renew America, has written a great article on what passes for education at Harvard University, long considered our most prestigious university. Like so many other universities, Harvard is under the thumb of the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel agenda.

Does anyone seriously believe that a serious examination of the Israel/Palestinian conflict is being conducted on university campuses? On the one hand, it is arguably the biggest issue in academia, but it is only given a one-sided perspective. The reason it is even the biggest issue is because the Muslim Student Associations and their Middle East Studies professors have propelled it to prominence. It is on the university campuses where the perfect marriage between the anti-Israel forces, Islamists and left wingers has come about.

So here we have Harvard, with its grand old reputation, which has followed suit with any other college campus as a place of indoctrination rather than quality education. When it comes to the humanities, today's college students are subjected to the personal views of their professors, who are almost totally on the left. A free exchange of ideas? Not when the left and the anti-Israel folks engage in intolerance, intimidation, disruptions, and attempts to silence the other side.

I wonder what the Latin word for "opinion" is.

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