
Monday, January 9, 2012

How the Palestinians Are Victims of Apartheid

Thanks to Stand With Us for the video

One of the biggest propaganda ploys used against Israel is the charge of practicing apartheid against Palestinians. Stand With Us has produced this video which I have chosen to post. It shows that it is true that Palestinian refugees are indeed subjected to apartheid.

But not by Israel.

Why is it that those Arabs who have come to be called Palestinians are not allowed to assimilate into Lebanese, Egyptian, or Syrian society in the counties they have been in all these years?

It is because the Arab world wants them to remain as a symbol of resistance to the existence of the state of Israel. What better tool than to keep them in refugee camps and demand their right of return (plus their descendants) to demographically end any semblance of a Jewish state.

Why is it that there is no world-wide outcry against countries like Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria for their treatment and segregation of their fellow Arabs who are classified as Palestinians? Is it not hypocritical and dishonest to single out Israel and call it an apartheid state?

In the 1948 war that ensued when Israel declared its statehood, it is true that this was accompanied by fighting between Arabs and Jews living in the new state. It is true that many Arabs left their homes and fled the fighting. Many had been encouraged to leave by the Arab armies promising that they would be able to return once the Jews were driven out. (which never happened, of course).

What you don't hear much about is the fact that after 1948, almost one million Jews were driven out of their ancestral homelands in the surrounding Arab countries. Most found their refuge in Israel and assimilated into the new country. There is no talk about them returning to those Arab countries or reclaiming their homes and possessions. The below link by SWU addresses that issue.

The sad fact is that during wars, civilians suffer, refugees result, and borders change. (Ask the Germans who had to flee their ancestral homes in lands that are now part of Poland, Russia, or the Czech Republic.) Yes, many innocent Arabs were dislocated during the 1948 fighting through no fault of their own. It seems to me this could have been settled peacefully way back in 1948, when Israel accepted the UN plan. The Arab world rejected it and went to war.

Of course, you never hear about any of this from your university professors.


Squid said...

Hats off to StandWithUs for this very revealing video of the true situation regarding the Arabs known as Palestinians. The video portrays what has been going on for years, that has been covered up by the those countries surrounding Israel and the unworthy yellow journalists of the MSM. The Palestinians have been oppressed by these countries, to portray Israel as the evil one, when in fact they do much more for them than other Muslim countries. The truth is hidden by false perceptions, put forth by those Islamists who would want to see Israel wiped off the map. This video should be played in prominent places during the next Muslim Student Union inspired "Hate Week". In fact, a copy should go to Chancellor Drake and the do nothing President Yudof, of the UC system.

Gary Fouse said...

One thing that stands out is that these scenes of run-down refugee camps are not in Israel. They are in Lebanon.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's all true. Israel, if it had clearer heads in its government, would be working on ways to be the friend and champion of those Palestinians.

In 1967, they could have announced that the IDF had liberated Palestinian territory illegally occupied by the Egyptian and Jordanian armies in 1948, and invited Palestinian leaders to implement the original 1947 UN resolution, which called for PARTITION of the former British Mandate into Jewish and Arab states. The borders would have been somewhat different, due to intervening events.