It is Fasching Season in Germany, but due to the threats of Islamic jihad attacks in the country, many cities are canceling or restricting certain events associated with Fasching. Munich has already canceled certain parades and events. Now Nuremberg has decided to cancel tomorrow's scheduled Children's Fasching Parade due to security concerns. The major parade scheduled for today has been allowed to proceed.
That says a lot, doesn't it, when a country has to cancel a traditional celebration, especially for its children, because of concern that some jihadist(s) will go on a rampage and murder innocent children.
The below article in Nürnberger Nachrichten is translated by Fousesquawk.
*Update: It appears Nuremberg's major Fasching parade went off with no problems.
Helpers express concern
After security meeting: The Fasching parade takes place- Second parade canceled
-Minh Anh Nguyen 2-26-2025 15:17
Caption: Children's Fasching Parade in 2019. This year the event must be canceled.
Nuremberg: After Islamists on social media called for attacks, among others, in Nuremberg, the city sees the first consequences. An event will not not occur.
As the city of Nuremberg is reporting, the 45th Nuremberg Children's Fasching parade on Rose Monday will not take place. "Numerous institutions, who normally participate in the parade, have, as a precaution, canceled their participation due to their reduced sense of security." The Fasching Parade for Children traditionally goes through the inner city and is organized by the city of Nuremberg Youth Office.
Due to recent threats, workers and helpers, as well as parents, expressed concerns. But it is more than the individual security feelings of those involved independent from the police assessment, stressed the city administration. In order to enable the girls and boys to have the "most carefree" Fasching, this year instead of the parade, "Fasching Care packages" will be given out. These contain donuts and children's punch and will be distributed by the Parade Team of the Youth Office on Rose Monday.
The major Nuremberg Fasching Parade will still take place
After a comprehensive security meeting between the city of Nuremberg, the organizers, and the police, the administration has decided that the major Nuremberg Fasching parade on Sunday, March 2, 2025, will still take place. The reason for that is that the security assessment of the police remains unchanged. There are currently no indications of specific dangers or new findings. The officials assume that the threats are intended "to create unease in the population". For the major events, therefore, there is a "heightened abstract danger".
The current security concept already consists of extensive measures. "Especially the access streets along the route between Bayreuther Strasse (street) and Vordere Ledergasse (Gasse-narrow street or alley) will be monitored." There should also be a large police presence at the site.
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