
Monday, March 3, 2025

Germany: Update on Mannheim Attacker

 Hat tip New English Review.

The driver of the car involved in the Mannheim car attack is identified in the German press as Alexander S., a resident of  Ludwigshafen. Police are still investigating his motive and say there is no indication of political or religious motivation in the attack.

German newspapers are publishing photographs of the suspect with his face blurred out, for example, RTL (Germany) 

The German news site, Welt, has also reported that the suspect began drastically changing his appearance about 4 years ago. He gained a lot of weight, shaved his head, grew long sideburns, and posted a photo of himself shirtless with what Welt described as a possible tattoo on his torso of what might appear to be a bullet wound.

Then there is this appearing on X, alleging that the photo (below) is Alexander S.:

I am not going to call a posting on X the smoking gun. In other words, I cannot accept as conclusive that the man in the X photo above is Alexander S., but it does appear to be the same photo described in Welt. Has it been photoshopped? I have no idea, so I am looking for more corroboration.

But here is what I am driving at: Is it possible given what the German authorities and media are putting out about the suspect that they are withholding something from the public? Just askin'. 


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