
Monday, January 13, 2025

Italy: Rioting in Bologna

-La Repubblica

On the evening of January 11, mobs gathered in Bologna to attack police as revenge for the death of 19-year-old Ramy Elgaml in Milan as he and a friend were involved in a police chase in November. Riots have broken out in Milan, Turin, and Rome as well.

The below article from Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk. I note that the words of Bologna's mayor, Matteo Lepore, are welcomed, but this is the same mayor who has hung a Palestinian flag at the city hall. You can view the photo of that display by the mayor here.

Assaults, 10 police officers injured, and threats to the synagogue: Violent processions also in Bologna

Aside from Rome, there was guerilla warfare also in Bologna between antagonists and law enforcement during the procession for Ramy: Construction sites demolished, outdoor areas destroyed and street signs uprooted.

-By Francesca Galici, 12 January 2025-10:42

Caption: Clashes between law enforcement and antagonists in Bologna

Not only in Rome, on Saturday evening, January 11, but also in Bologna serious classes occurred between demonstrators for Ramy in the streets and law enforcement. Ten police officers were injured in (Bologna), and in all, two were charged, but investigations are in progress to identify those who with their faces covered, assaulted police and Carabinieri in riot gear with rocks thrown, smoke bombs, outdoor furniture, barriers, and street signs. During the demonstration, officially organized to ask for justice for Ramy Elgaml, but which eventually led to the usual urban guerrilla warfare, there were also threatening acts against the local synagogue on the part of antagonists and social centers. 

"I express my complete solidarity with the Jewish community. Just as I express solidarity with the business people and workers who have suffered damage, we will be at your side,"  Mayor Matteo Lepore wrote in a message posted on social media. From the first moment, the personnel of Hera (utility company of Bologna) and local police responded to handle the situation, and for the entire evening, they worked to clean up and fix the damage caused. A job that will also continue Sunday," the mayor said. "Particularly distressing (were) the acts of vandalism and the threats against the Bologna synagogue," his message continues. Many locations have suffered serious damage from the violence, with outdoor areas completely devastated. Some commercial buildings, including some banks, suffered shattered windows.

"There are no just causes for devastating Bologna. Tonight, groups of violent persons have devastated the historic city center of our city, burning trash bins, throwing rocks and all sorts of objects at police and firefighters. There were broken windows, acts of vandalism, graffiti on walls, planters and outdoor areas turned upside down. We are still measuring the damage, which appears to be extensive, on many streets and squares. Notwithstanding the proclamations of those on social media who promoted this violent gathering, this was no political demonstration but just devastation. An incident of enormous gravity," Lepore continues.

During the night, entire construction sites were demolished, tourists chased, and numerous (improvised) paper bombs and fireworks were thrown at the Due Torri San Francesco police headquarters. The officers were the targets of bottles and rocks thrown. 

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