
Monday, August 5, 2024

Whatever Happened to Merry Olde England?

This article first appeared in New English Review.

-The Guardian

If you have been following the news out of England for the past week, you might think that the country has all but fallen into civil war. Riots and various forms of violent protests and counterprotests have broken out in cities all over the country in reaction to a shocking murder that occurred in the town of Southport last week. On July 29, a group of little schoolgirls were attending some sort of Taylor Swift-themed dancing class when a 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants (who was born in England) attacked them with a knife. Three of the schoolgirls (ages 6. 7, and 9) have died and eight others went to the hospital with serious knife wounds.

The entire nation has erupted in shock and anger. Obviously, the anger is being directed at immigrants in general-given the country’s out-of-control migration situation and long-simmering  tensions  with the largely-radicalized Muslim communities. It seems that now-finally- the people have had enough.  At least one migrant shelter has been attacked, and several Muslim young men are showing up to counter-protest and do battle with young white men, many apparently belonging to the English Defense League. Now the cops in several cities are trying to keep the two sides apart.

I should state at this point that I will not condone the violence and destruction that is taking place and the objects being thrown at police who are trying to keep order. While I do not condone the violence, I think I can understand why it is taking place. I recall back in the 1960s when there were many riots in inner city areas of the US during the Civil Rights era and in response to the murders of black civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers. Many responsible black leaders condemned the violence but also added that they could understand the reasons for it. It was a different era then in America, and in the South, segregation had the force of local laws behind it. Many blacks felt that the government was not responding to their grievances.

Can we not say the same thing about Britain today? Britain is a diverse society, and there are many productive and law-abiding immigrants who have resided there for generations. At the same time, radical Islam has taken root in the British Muslim community, and in recent years, there have been multiple mass prosecutions of mostly Pakistani men who have “groomed” and sexually exploited British teenage girls, prosecutions that occurred much too late in many cases due to the fear of the police to appear as if they were targeting Muslim men. Due to political correctness, many people in England have felt themselves muzzled and thus, are afraid to speak out against the government’s lax migration policy and thus, be accused of racism. Contrary to popular belief, European countries do not enjoy the same level of freedom of speech as we do in the US, thanks to our First Amendment.

It is only natural to conclude that when a country’s elected government refuses or fails to deal with a problem, eventually things will blow up. Right now, many Brits feel that their government will not protect them from immigrant crime and Islamic extremism.

So the country has now exploded.

So what is the solution? As history teaches us time and time again, the longer governments allow a problem to grow and fester, the more radical the solution must be. But what is radical about closing your borders to all except those you choose to allow in? Nothing. What is needed now is not just closing the border, but mass deportation of convicted criminals who are not citizens. Due to years of uncontrolled migration (all over the West) those numbers are now probably too huge to remove every undesirable alien. In addition to convicted criminals, the English police no doubt know the names of thousands of other bad hombres who have yet to be caught committing any crime or act of terrorism and are walking around. (Whatever happened to the concept of undesirable alien?)

Ironically, they just had an election in the UK in which the Labour party gained a huge victory. Do we really think they will solve the problem? I doubt it.

And far be it for me to lecture the English. We have a similar problem here in the US. Yes, we are diverse. Yes, most immigrants are here legally and contributing to our society. However, uncontrolled migration also leads to undesirable people coming across our borders.

The fact is that far too many nations in the West, including ours, have suffered from bad political leadership. We see it in our cities, we see it in our state capitals, and we see it in Washington DC. Bad political leadership results in bad cities, bad states, and a bad country. The fish rots from the head, and what we need to do-in England-in France, in America, etc is elect responsible people who recognize that their government’s number one duty is to protect the citizens. When a government fails to do so, eventually what happens is what we see in England today.



kiki said...

MASS Migration from Turd World S***HOLES!

Gary Fouse said...


It's not about immigrants from the third world. There are plenty of poor countries that have sent us good immigrants. It is the belief system you bring with you. It is the failure of first world countries to weed out the bad apples and not allow them in. If Europe wants to have immigration and diversity, they can achieve that without wrecking their society. The major problem is that Islamic values are simply not compatible with Western values. So why does Europe insist on bringing in young, unaccompanied males from Muslim countries? What could possibly go wrong?

kiki said...

The Black Guy Who Murdered Those 3 Little White Girls was Not Muslim, He Allegedly is a Christian from Rwanda. I Agree with You About Muslims. DIEversity Means NO White People. Military Age Men GO to War, NOT Run From it and Most That are Coming to Europe are NOT Running from wars, tHey are Economic Migrants. WHY Else would the Elite and Politicians ALLOW Unvetted Migrants to Come to White Christian Countries if it Wasn't to Outbreed and KILL Off the White People!

Gary Fouse said...

When I referred to young, unaccompanied males, I was not thinking of men running to escape wars. I was thinking about the very people (from Muslim countries) who fit the profile of street criminals and jihadists. They are not assimilating, and they are not contributing.

As for DIE, I had experience with it when I was teaching at UC Irvine. It is divisive and exclusive. Whites are considered as the enemy of minorities-which I do not accept- and their idea of Jews is that Jews are simply privileged white Zionists who support genocide against Palestinians. It has perverted the ideals of equality and harmony.

kiki said...

Jews Have Supported DEI and Then They Wonder about the Silence from Us Goys About Oct 7th!

Gary Fouse said...

First of all, you are lumping all Jews into one category. They are hardly a monolithic community, but most of my Jewish friends share my values. As far as the silence from Gentiles you refer to, that may be true in certain circles on the left, but certainly not on my part. I am as outraged by October 7 as any Gentile could possibly be.

I stand with Israel, and I stand with the Jewish people against anti-Semitism.

kiki said...

I Was Also Outraged at the Atrocities on Oct 7th. Do You Know in Israel Jews Desecrate Christian Cemeteries and it is NOT Against the Law to Spit on Christians, Even Michael Savage who is Jewish by the Way Says the Jewish People should Speak out on Anti Christian Attacks. Are Your Jewish Friends Outrage About Jewish NGO'S Like HIAS Flooding European Christian Countries with Muslims and Africans But NO Mass Migration to Israel and Who Could Blame them, They DON'T Want to be a Minority in Israel Then WHY Should White People become a Minority in THEIR Countries who their Ancestors Built and Died For?

Gary Fouse said...

I'm not sure I did the right thing in posting your last comment, Kiki, because it drips with anti-Semitism. You resort to the old blame the Jews for everything trope. This time you blame Jewish NGOs for flooding Europe with Muslims and Africans. I know George Soros is involved, but that doesn't reflect on all Jews. Why in the world would European Jews want to import people who hate them and who have made European streets unsafe for Jews?

This should not be about black and white. I don't care what color immigrants are; I care about what values and belief system they bring with them. People who come to Europe or the US should do so legally, obey the laws, and assimilate into the culture while accepting the values of the host country.

I happen to be married to an immigrant, "a "brown one" at that from Mexico. She is fully assimilated, and her loyalty is to the US. She is in every sense, an American.

Finally, this blog is not a platform for anti-Semitic or anti-black/brown talking points. If you want to rant against Jews, this is not the blog for you.

Anonymous said...

I could tell by Kiki's second comment that if she were going to go on, it would lead to anti-Semitism. The "outbreed and kill" part is straight-up white replacement theory. Peel back the layers of a conspiracy enough and you'll eventually hit a hatred of Jewish people. I'm almost shocked that she didn't cite the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Gary Fouse said...

You should have seen the last two (which I did not publish).

Anonymous said...

I can imagine. Did it get into Lizard People and flat Earth?

kiki said...
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kiki said...
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kiki said...
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kiki said...
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kiki said...
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