
Monday, August 26, 2024

Spain: One Fine Day at the Beach (in Ceuta)

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

We have often reported on the chronic illegal crossings into the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, located on the North African coast, by Moroccans, sub-Saharan Africans, and others. They are basically all young men. The latest incident occurred yesterday as some 60 young males, mostly minors, arrived on the beach of Ceuta in swimming trunks, mixed among the locals on the beach, to confuse the cops, and took off running to the city.

The Spanish daily, El Faro de Ceuta, has an article with the details along with video. In addition, El Debate (Spain) has an article, not translated, with a separate video.

The article by El Faro is translated by Fousesquawk. Note that during translation, the title was updated, so there may be additional updates that may affect the translation of the text.

-El Faro de Ceuta

Moroccans arrive at the beach sneaking in among bathers, one policeman injured

One officer received the impact of a stone, sandy area (beach) out of control with the arrival of swimmers from Morocco who mixed in with Ceutan bathers.

By Carmen Echarri


The bathers who were present this afternoon in the area of Tarajal beach in Ceuta were transformed into witnesses of the arrival of some swimmers, apparently, minors, who arrived at the sandy area taking advantage of the presence of other people in the water.

According to official sources consulted by El Faro after the dissemination of several videos showing a large number of people running on the beach, swimmers who found cover among those who were in the water.

The Moroccans mixed among the bathers to disguise themselves generating confusion among the families who were there.

Then they left running from the location chased by the Guardia Civil (Civil Guard).

One officer from the National Police was injured being hit with a rock thrown in the Tarajal zone, where they attacked a police vehicle hitting a colleague who was inside. It is not known who the perpetrator of this attack was.

He was taken to the hospital, and according to command sources, he is fine.

The police have not specified additional information in this regard. Both episodes took place on a foggy afternoon coinciding with a large presence of swimmers who are leaving Morocco.

The situation is also complicated for the neighboring country (Morocco), incapable of preventing the swimmers from jumping into the sea in the direction of Ceuta.

After what occurred last early morning, the drip-drip of arrivals has not ceased.

From (Morocco) comes information about a large number of minors, the majority of whom want to reach Ceuta by swimming.

Those in the area become witnesses from the point of view of how they throw themselves in the water without any regard.

Families on the beach have conveyed to this newspaper their discomfort because it appears they are being criminalized when they indicate that they themselves were surprised by the arrival of the Moroccans by swimming.

Security forces have been deployed.

The circumstances are adverse due to the weather, the fog that prevents seeing those who approach Ceuta until they are already on the coast.

That is what happened this afternoon with the arrival of swimmers who mixed in with the bathers of Ceuta.  The fact that they were in bathing suits makes it complicated to distinguish. Seeing what was happening, the Guardia Civil went into action, but several took off running while the people screamed.

So far today, 17 minors have arrived in the city.

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