
Friday, August 23, 2024

Northwestern University's Cosmetic Reforms

Michael Schill

Northwestern University President Michael Schill, another one of those university administrators under fire for allowing his campus to be taken over by the anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas brownshirts, and who acquitted himself so poorly in testifying before Congress last May, has announced a series of new measures designed to "combat anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and racism".  On the surface, they sound positive enough, but when you really think of it, it's just more of the same old blah, blah, blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack. The campus newspaper, the Daily Northwestern, has an article running on Schill's new " measures".

"New resources will include a new religious literacy program housed in the Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Office, unspecified “investments in public safety personnel and infrastructure,” hiring in the Office of Community Standards and expanded efforts to facilitate difficult conversations, including through the Kellogg School of Management’s new Center for Enlightened Disagreement."

-Daily Northwestern

As if DEI is part of the solution. In fact, it is part of the problem. Jews have no voice under DEI's philosophy, which considers them merely as "privileged whites". DEI is worse than useless and a waste of money and other resources; it is divisive.

And how about this Center for Enlightened Disagreement? I wonder how much this is going to cost in terms of construction, and 6-figure salaries for administrators, deans, or whatever they will be called. More bureaucracy and more money down the drain.

And, as always, academia must always couple the topic of anti-Semitism with that of Islamophobia, a recently-coined term invented by Islamists to silence any criticism of Islam, Islamist organizations, and any discussion of Islamic links to terror. In contrast, anti-Semitism has been with us for millennia. More importantly, it is Jewish students who are being harassed and bullied on campuses, not Muslims. While not all Muslims in universities are guilty of anti-Jewish targeting, most of the cases of targeting involve Muslim students.

Too bad that none of Schill's "measures" include expelling students who engage in anti-Semitic harassment and disruption of Jewish events. Too bad that none of Schill's "measures" include firing radical professors who indoctrinate their students in the classroom and stir up hatred against Jews in general.

It's window dressing. It's putting lipstick on the pig. This guy needs to go.

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