
Monday, August 12, 2024

Columbia University: Bengali Student Union and Apartheid Divest Chapters Want to Eradicate Western Civilization

The little rascals at Columbia University are at it again. Now a couple of off-the-wall student groups are pledging to eradicate Western Civilization. In fact, one of them is something called the Bengali Student Association. They, along with CU's Apartheid Divest chapter have issued a "manifesto", if you will on Instagram, no less.

Campus Reform has the report.

It takes a special kind of chutzpah for someone from Bangladesh who is living and studying in the US to make statements about eradicating Western Civilization. In favor of what- Bangladeshi civilization?  

If these mopes don't like our civilization, they don't have to live here. They can go back to their hell hole in Bangladesh.  Yes, I said it! And they can take their "Western" brethren from Apartheid Divest with them, not to mention their Palestinian cohorts.

This kind of rhetoric is unacceptable in a university. It is high time that students and professors who call for violence and revolution are shown the door. It is time that universities re-think their position as a center for protest of this or that. They don't need people like this on campus. The students who are trying to get an education don't need them on campus. The taxpayers who are footing the bill for these universities don't need them on campus.

The universities need to clean house. If they don't, let them collapse.

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