
Monday, August 19, 2024

Chicago Will Be a Sea of Red/Green

                                                                         (The blue and yellow flag is that of Bosnia-Herzegovina.)

The DNC opens up its national convention today in  Chicago, and the crazies and loons are pouring into the Windy City. It will be a combination of pro-Palestinian loons and Islamists shouting "From the river to the sea" and "Allahu akhbar" (green), along with assorted Antifa, Marxists, and anarchists (red).  We can expect thousands of those Palestinian flags and keffiyas-hopefully being led into paddy wagons.  Violence and street battles with police are almost guaranteed. Merchants downtown are boarding up their shop windows in anticipation. Whether this will match the riots at the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago remains to be seen.

Ironically, the DNC will be featuring a pro-Palestinian panel discussion on the first day of the convention. Here is an article by the leftist site, Common Dreams, describing the event. Whether this was already planned because, after all, that's who they are mostly sympathetic with, or it is just to placate the little rascals, I don't know. At any rate, it will likely boomerang since the "Killer Kamala" posters are already on display. To them, the stance of the Biden-Harris administration toward the Gaza fighting is not deemed sufficiently anti-Israel.

I don't want to see anyone hurt or killed, and I never condone the destruction of property. But if it does happen, which I think it will, hopefully, it will be a lesson to the public at large. I hope they will remember that it was Governor Tim Walz who refused to send in the National Guard in 2020 when Minneapolis was burning until it had burned for three days. In addition, it was then-Senator Kamala Harris who organized a bail fund for the rioters that year. If Chicago sees riots this week, it will truly be a case of the chickens coming home to roost for the Dems.

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