
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Has Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Been Killed?

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

 The Iranian media and other media in Europe are reporting that the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, has been assassinated in Teheran. The Iranian government is blaming it on a "Zionist attack". I am not 100% sure this has been confirmed, but it is breaking in the international press, including the Jerusalem Post and Reuters, quoting Hamas, so I'm posting this for what it's worth.

In recent years, Haniyeh had been living in Qatar while running Hamas from afar. According to the linked report, he also had a residence in Teheran.This is man with a ton of blood on his hands. He is a terrorist in the purest sense of the word and no doubt had a  hand in masterminding the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel that resulted in over 1,200 innocent people being murdered, raped, and/or kidnapped back to Gaza. If the reports are true, few in the world will mourn the death of this evil man.

I cannot help recalling when that scoundrel of a British politician, George Galloway, was leading the "Viva Palestina" aid conveys to Gaza and handing over all kinds of support to Hamas, material, financial, or whatever.  It's early in the morning in Britain now, so someone will have the sad task of breaking the news to Galloway when he wakes up.

(l-r) Galloway and Haniyeh in happier times.

*Update: This is breaking all over Europe, so it appears to be factual.

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